Has quality of care improved since ACA? The ACA is the most consequential and comprehensive health care reform enacted since Medicare. The ACA has gained a net increase in the number of individuals with insurance, primarily through Medicaid expansion. The reduction in costs is an arguable achievement, while quality of care has seemingly not improved….
Category: Most popular
What are predators to apes?
What are predators to apes? Owing to their large body size, accounts suggest that large carnivores, like the leopard and the lion (Panthera leo) [Cheney and Wrangham, 1987] are the main predators of African apes. What are chimpanzees predators? Interactions with Other Species The Chimpanzee is also the hunted. The natural predators of the Chimpanzee…
Are young people becoming less tolerant of LGBTQ?
Are young people becoming less tolerant of LGBTQ? Young people are growing less tolerant of LGBTQ individuals, a jarring turn for a generation traditionally considered embracing and open, a survey released Monday shows. Is the younger generation eroding the LBGTQ community? When GLAAD delved into the numbers, the group found that the younger generation was…
What happens if you record a fight at school?
What happens if you record a fight at school? When a student is found recording videos of fights on school property or using school computers to upload the videos, it can lead to disciplinary action. The school suspended them until the students agreed to take them off, but Tinker then sued the school, and the…
What is the probability of drawing a Jack from a 52 card deck?
What is the probability of drawing a Jack from a 52 card deck? 4 out of 52 Explanation: The probability of drawing the initial Jack is 4 out of 52 as there are 4 Jacks in deck of 52 cards. What is the probability that the card drawn is either a Jack or an ace?…
Is season 8 of X-Files good?
Is season 8 of X-Files good? The show’s eighth season received mixed to positive reviews from critics. The A.V. Club noted that the first eight seasons of The X-Files were “good-to-great”, and that the eighth season of the show was “revitalized by the new ‘search for Mulder’ story-arc.” John C. What is considered the best…
What is the best American bomber in war thunder?
What is the best American bomber in war thunder? B-29A-BN. The B-29 is called the Superfortress for a reason. The propeller-powered big brother to the infamous B-17 Flying Fortress, this American bomber is among the most powerful in all of War Thunder, and designed with one sole function in mind – to drop huge payloads…
How do you deal with a costly mistake at work?
How do you deal with a costly mistake at work? Here’s your seven-step recovery plan. Step 1: Allow Yourself to Feel Awful About it (But Not for Too Long) Step 2: Keep Things in Perspective. Step 3: Confront Your Worst-Case Scenario—Then Let it Go. Step 4: Apologize if You Need to—But Don’t Overdo It. Step…
Can a little scratch cause rabies?
Can a little scratch cause rabies? While you get infected with rabies when bitten by an infected dog or cat, it can be just as fatal when a rabid dog or cat with saliva-infested nails—say, one that has been licking its paws— scratches a human. Although it is highly unlikely to contract rabies from a…
How do I reset my AOL mail password on my iPhone?
How do I reset my AOL mail password on my iPhone? Change Your AOL Mail Password in iOS With the app open to your mail, select the menu button in the upper-left corner. Choose Settings & privacy. Select Manage accounts at the top. Tap Account Info next to the account for which you want the…