Does PayPal protect Facebook purchases? Does it cover purchases from Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace? Yes, but only in certain circumstances. The item must be shipped by the seller to you. There is no cover for purchases of used or secondhand goods you pick up in person or have personally delivered. Can someone take back their…
Category: Most popular
Does BFS and DFS find shortest path?
Does BFS and DFS find shortest path? BFS finds the shortest path to the destination whereas DFS goes to the bottom of a subtree, then backtracks. The full form of BFS is Breadth-First Search while the full form of DFS is Depth First Search. BFS uses a queue to keep track of the next location…
What is the most powerful attack aircraft?
What is the most powerful attack aircraft? F-22 Raptor fighter jet Most Powerful Fighter Jets: A List – US Made F-22, China Made Chengdu J20 and More. USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jet is widely considered the most powerful fighter jet and is not being sold to other countries. Can a helicopter dogfight? In addition to…
Can I do apprenticeship on spouse visa?
Can I do apprenticeship on spouse visa? It says on the page 61 that non EEA/EU spouses who haven’t been residing in the country for 3 years are exempt from the rule that a person must first reside in the country for 3 years and are available to do an apprenticeship. Can a ICT Tier…
Can antidepressants be temporary?
Can antidepressants be temporary? Before taking pills for a temporary situation, consider the risks. You might think that using an antidepressant temporarily could help you weather a challenging time, such as a period of grief, extreme stress, or serious illness. But you shouldn’t just jump into taking an antidepressant, cautions Dr. Are antidepressants successful in…
What is the USA Patriot Act and what does it allow?
What is the USA Patriot Act and what does it allow? Under the Patriot Act, the FBI can secretly conduct a physical search or wiretap on American citizens to obtain evidence of crime without proving probable cause, as the Fourth Amendment explicitly requires. Why is the Patriot Act necessary? “The PATRIOT Act is essential to…
What is a good rating on Boardgamegeek?
What is a good rating on Boardgamegeek? 7 – Good game, usually willing to play. 6 – Ok game, some fun or challenge at least, will play sporadically if in the right mood. 5 – Average game, slightly boring, take it or leave it. 4 – Not so good, it doesn’t get me but could…
Which Indian food is very spicy?
Which Indian food is very spicy? Kolhapuri Chicken is one of its spiciest dishes, which is chicken marinated with cloves, dried red chillies and garlic paste and later cooked in a coconut-based curry. Non- Vegetarians fall in love with its delicious taste, gorging on its hot spicy goodness and the all-famous Kolhapuri masala. What are…
How much chocolate does a dog have to eat for it to be toxic?
How much chocolate does a dog have to eat for it to be toxic? Threat to pets For milk chocolate, any ingestion of more than 0.5 ounces per pound of body weight may put dogs at risk for chocolate poisoning. Ingestions of more than 0.13 ounces per pound of dark or semi-sweet chocolate may cause…
Can someone with DID have only 2 alters?
Can someone with DID have only 2 alters? Plenty of evidence supports the idea that DID is not merely a matter of faking and that most people with the condition are convinced that they possess one or more alters. Although a few DID patients have only one alter—the so-called split personality—most report having several. Can…