Which gas on reacting with water gives two acids? Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid . When nitrogen oxide react with water? Nitrogen dioxide reacts with water to form nitric acid and nitrogen monoxide. Which one of the following will not produce an acid when made to react with water? Carbon monoxide…
Category: Trendy
What happens to Ava at the end of Ava?
What happens to Ava at the end of Ava? The very end of Ava leaves her fate up in the air too. After she convinces her family to go start a new life, Ava leaves Judy’s apartment with a sense of accomplishment. Although she knows the organization will continue to hunt her in some form,…
Who commands a regiment in Indian Army?
Who commands a regiment in Indian Army? Colonel The Regiments are headed by a Colonel, who is a high-ranking officer. The Colonel of the Regiment is the head of the family and is responsible for the protection of the best interests of the Regiment. He is almost always an officer of General rank who at…
Where do IES officer get posted?
Where do IES officer get posted? After 20 years of experience, the candidate will be promoted to the post of Additional General Manager or Chief Engineer. After 30 years of experience, the candidate will become a Senior General Manager. What does CPWD do? CPWD also assists in organizing Public and Ceremonial Functions, and upkeep of…
What is better FWD or AWD?
What is better FWD or AWD? It’s lighter, so front-wheel drive cars tend to have better fuel economy than all-wheel drive vehicles. But front-wheel drive does have better traction when it comes to climbing hills, since all the weight of the engine is over those front wheels. What does AWD stand for in technology? It’s…
How much MMR do you get per win Dota 2 2020?
How much MMR do you get per win Dota 2 2020? Each ranked match of Dota 2 increases or decreases your MMR. Winning a solo ranked match gives you +30 MMR while losing one takes away 30. Similarly, winning a party ranked match gives your +20 while losing takes 20 away. Why is my DOTA…
When did penguins migrate to Antarctica?
When did penguins migrate to Antarctica? D: It all started about 12 million years ago, when Drake’s Passage between Antarctica and the southern tip of South America opened up fully and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current intensified, which caused the glaciation of Antarctica and drove penguins that hadn’t adapted to live in icy regions northward. How…
How many girls in their 20s are virgins?
How many girls in their 20s are virgins? The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males ages 20 to 24. That number drops below 5 percent for both male and female virgins ages 25 to 29 and goes as low as 0.3 percent for virgins ages…
What do you need to open a bank account in Romania?
What do you need to open a bank account in Romania? Documents you need for opening a bank account in Romania Passport; Tax residency; Employment contract/Payslips; Proof of address, such as the utility bills or the renting contract; Previous bank statements. Can a foreigner open a bank account in Romania? Yes, it is possible to…
Is Obamacare affordable health care act good or bad?
Is Obamacare affordable health care act good or bad? The ACA has been highly controversial, despite the positive outcomes. Conservatives objected to the tax increases and higher insurance premiums needed to pay for Obamacare. Some people in the healthcare industry are critical of the additional workload and costs placed on medical providers. What is the…