Why do cpus have so few registers? Intel has always wanted to keep some degree of backwards compatibility in its processor line, so all subsequent processors simply extended the original A,B,C,D registers to wider numbers of bits. Why are there only 32 registers? The MIPS architecture allows 5 bits to specify each of those registers,…
Category: Trendy
What is the most replayable game?
What is the most replayable game? So, to shine a light on some more of the most replayable games, we’ve expanded this list by a few more entries. 1 Minecraft. The iconic blockbuster sandbox. 2 Sid Meier’s: Pirates (2005) 3 Cities: Skylines. 4 Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005) 5 The Binding Of Isaac. 6 Mount…
Where can I practice trading stocks for free?
Where can I practice trading stocks for free? Best Stock Market Simulators Thinkorswim by TD Ameritrade. You don’t need a brokerage account with TD Ameritrade to sign up for thinkorswim. Moomoo. At Moomoo, you can partake in paper trading at any time. Bear Bull Traders Simulator. TradeStation. Warrior Trading. NinjaTrader Free Trading Simulator. Where can…
What should you not do in your first year of college?
What should you not do in your first year of college? Here are a few common mistakes that college freshmen make Telling people your ACT or SAT score. Unless someone asks you, don’t bring up your ACT or SAT score. Looking at your phone while walking on campus. Drinking in the dorms or bragging about…
Who has the longest ring entrance for WWE?
Who has the longest ring entrance for WWE? Undertaker & 9 Current Roster WWE Wrestlers With The Longest… 8 Randy Orton. 7 The Street Profits. 6 Karrion Kross. 5 The Fiend. 4 Finn Balor. 3 Triple H. 2 Goldberg. 1 Undertaker. What is the best WrestleMania entrance? The 10 greatest WrestleMania entrances of all time…
How many APs and honors should I take?
How many APs and honors should I take? For students aiming for the Ivy League and Top 20 schools in the United States, a good target is to take (and pass) 10-14 AP classes throughout your high school career — or 3-4 each year. Are AP classes worth more than honors? Are honors classes considered…
Do INTJs change their minds?
Do INTJs change their minds? INTJs definitely do not change their minds easily, and are very firm with their beliefs. They are very firm and even stubborn about their beliefs, because they spend so much time making sure they are right. ENTJs look at the facts, and don’t like to be swayed by people’s emotions….
Which BTS member is bad at singing?
Which BTS member is bad at singing? Jin is the one in BTS with the most formal vocal training. That’s because he used to be the worst in the vocal line, but looking back now it was really good for him. in addition, Who is the number 1 singer? What does Taehyung do in free…
What did AOL used to look like?
What did AOL used to look like? As a web portal, AOL looked fairly similar to Yahoo. It almost seems a little more tech-savvy, and features a low-res photo from the it show of the day, Dawson’s Creek. And, of course, it included multiple ads to download AOL, including one that promised 250 hours for…
How do you fix Vigenere?
How do you fix Vigenère? To decrypt, take the first letter of the ciphertext and the first letter of the key, and subtract their value (letters have a value equal to their position in the alphabet starting from 0). If the result is negative, add 26 (26=the number of letters in the alphabet), the result…