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Do gradient descent methods always converge to similar points?
No, they always don’t. That’s because in some cases it reaches a local minima or a local optima point.
How do you know if gradient descent converges?
Gradient descent converges to a local minimum, meaning that the first derivative should be zero and the second non-positive. Checking these two matrices will tell you if the algorithm has converged.
How gradient descent can converge to local minimum even learning rate is fixed?
Batch Gradient Descent uses a whole batch of training data at every training step. Thus it is very slow for larger datasets. The learning rate is fixed. In theory, if the cost function has a convex function, it is guaranteed to reach the global minimum, else the local minimum in case the loss function is not convex.
Is SGD guaranteed to converge?
In such a context, our analysis shows that SGD, although has long been considered as a randomized algorithm, converges in an intrinsically deterministic manner to a global minimum. Traditional analysis of SGD in nonconvex optimization guarantees the convergence to a stationary point Bottou et al.
Does SGD always converge?
SGD can eventually converge to the extreme value of the cost function.
Does gradient descent always converge to local minimum?
Gradient Descent Algo will not always converge to global minimum. It will Converge to Global minimum only if the function have one minimum and that will be a global minimum too.
Can gradient descent converge to zero?
We see above that gradient descent can reduce the cost function, and can converge when it reaches a point where the gradient of the cost function is zero.
Does batch gradient descent converge?
Batch Gradient Descent It has straight trajectory towards the minimum and it is guaranteed to converge in theory to the global minimum if the loss function is convex and to a local minimum if the loss function is not convex.
Why does gradgradient descent converge to the local optimum?
Gradient descent can converge to a local optimum, even with a fixed learning rate. Because as we approach the local minimum, gradient descent will automatically take smaller steps as the value of slope i.e. derivative decreases around the local minimum. Effect of alpha on convergence
What is the importance of α α value in gradient descent?
A proper value of α α plays an important role in gradient descent. Choose an alpha too small and the algorithm will converge very slowly or get stuck in the local minima. Choose an α α too big and the algorithm will never converge either because it will oscillate between around the minima or it will diverge by overshooting the range.
How do you find the minimum of a function using gradient descent?
Gradient descent is a first-order iterative optimization algorithm for finding the minimum of a function. To find a local minimum of a function using gradient descent, one takes steps proportional to the negative of the gradient (or of the approximate gradient) of the function at the current point.
Does backtracking gradient descent always diverge to infinity?
We showed that backtracking gradient descent, when applied to an arbitrary C^1 function f, with only a countable number of critical points, will always either converge to a critical point or diverge to infinity. This condition is satisfied for a generic function, for example for all Morse functions.