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Do people move to New Mexico?
The U.S. population between 2019 and 2020 grew at the lowest rate in 120 years—just . 35\%, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. States are ranked by the number of people that moved to New Mexico from the state in 2019.
What is the life expectancy in New Mexico?
Using the mortality experience of New Mexicans in 2017, females living in New Mexico can expect to live 81.2 years, and males can expect to live 75.3 years.
Are earthquakes common in New Mexico?
Small earthquakes occur somewhere in New Mexico everyday, but no earthquake larger than magnitude (M) 6.2 has occurred within the New Mexico part of the rift since 1849, and prob- ably no damaging event occurred in the previous few hundred years, based on oral history.
Do you regret moving to a new place?
Moving to a new place may have looked like the right step to take, but once you decided to take it and actually moved, you may have come to regret your choice. In fact, statistics show that about half the people who move experience some form of regret connected to their relocation.
Why should you stay far away from New Mexico?
Here are 15 reasons why people should stay far far away from New Mexico: During these uncertain times, please keep safety in mind and consider adding destinations to your bucket list to visit at a later date. 1. New Mexico is a foreign country. You definitely need a passport and a visa to visit.
What do you lose when you move to a new place?
When moving to a new place, you’re going to lose your hard-earned place in the world (your standing and status, your influence, your social circle, etc.), your comfort zone (familiar routine, familiar surroundings, familiar people), and everything else you liked in your old life.
What is it like to live in New Mexico?
There are more animals than people in New Mexico, so good luck making friends. It’s a social desert. Not another person in sight. 13. If you move here, you’ll have to eat chiles at every meal, including breakfast. (Okay, this one’s kind of true.)