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Do you pick your MOS in the Marines?
DO YOU GET TO CHOOSE YOUR MOS OR DOES THE MARINE CORPS CHOOSE IT FOR YOU? Based on your qualifications, you will get the choice of a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) field. Marine Corps Recruiters are the best resource for information about a specific MOS.
What is 4 years in the Marines like?
4 year active means you will live on base where you are needed for the next for years and deploy on a schedule to where your unit is needed. Once you are done you have the option to get out and go home but if a war broke out you will be called within the next four years.
What do Marines call their MOS?
Military Occupational Specialties
There are hundreds of these roles available for aspiring Marines, roles the Marine Corps refers to as Military Occupational Specialties (MOS). These MOS are categorized into Military Occupational Fields, most of which are described on this page.
Can you choose MOS?
You may request an MOS, but unless that MOS is specifically in your enlistment contract, and you fulfill all the requirements for that MOS; the Marine Corps will assign your MOS based upon your aptitude and desires; but mostly upon the needs of the Marine Corps.
What is my MOS?
MOS stands for Military Occupational Specialist, it the field in which you will be trained and work. Military Occupational Specialty MOS is the occupational specialty you engulf while in the military. That is your specific role/job.
What is the best MOS in the Marine Corps?
Cryptologic Digital Network Tech (MOS 2611)
What are the different MOS in the Marines?
The United States Marine Corps Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is a system of categorizing career fields. All enlisted and officer Marines are assigned a four-digit code denoting their primary occupational field and specialty. Colonels are considered fully qualified Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) officers and, with the exception of lawyers and MOSs 8059/61 Acquisition Management Professionals, will only hold MOSs 8040, 8041, or 8042 as PMOS.
What are the different MOS’s in the Marines?
01 – Personnel and Administration.
What does MOS 0331 stand for in the Marines?
Job of Marine Corps Machine Gunner (MOS 0331) Machine gunners provide direct fire in support of rifle and Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) squads, platoons and companies, along with infantry and LAR battalions. They can patrol mounted or dismounted.