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Do you say yea or yeah?
“Yea” is a very old-fashioned formal way of saying “yes,” used mainly in voting. It’s the opposite of—and rhymes with—“nay.” When you want to write the common casual version of “yes,” the correct spelling is “yeah” (sounds like “yeh” ).
How is yea pronounced?
Yea is pronounced “yay” and it means yes. You would typically use it only under specific circumstances, such as a formal vote.
What does it mean to say yeah?
Definition of yeah informal. : yes “Are you ready?” ” Yeah, I’m ready.” ” Do you want to come?” “
What can I say instead of yay?
synonyms for yay
- cheer.
- encouragement.
- whoopee.
- yell.
- hip-hip.
- hurray.
- huzza.
- rah-rah.
How do you spell yea like a cheer?
Yay is simply an alternate spelling of yeah or yea, which have distinct pronunciations and meanings. (Yeah, an informal variant of yes, is pronounced “ya” and sometimes spelled that way; yea, which sounds like yay, survives as an affirmation in biblical contexts and as a counterpart to nay in voting contexts.)
Where did Yea High come from?
The OED’s first recorded use is this from Wentworth and Flexner’s 1960 ‘Dictionary of American Slang’: Yea big, yea high, 1. This big, or this high, accompanied with the spreading of the hands to indicate the size; very large, or high, overwhelmingly large or tall.
What does yea high mean?
Amer. Slang 591 Yea big, yea high, 1. This big, or this high, accompanied with the spreading of the hands to indicate the size; very large, or high, overwhelmingly large or tall. 2. Not very big or high.
What does it mean when a guy says yea?
Yea means yes too, but it’s reserved primarily for formal votes.
What is the correct spelling yea or yeah?
yea / yeah / yay. “Yea” is a very old-fashioned formal way of saying “yes,” used mainly in voting. It’s the opposite of—and rhymes with—“nay.” When you want to write the common casual version of “yes,” the correct spelling is “yeah” (sounds like “yeh” ).
How to use “Yea” in a sentence?
The councilmember voted,”Yea,” for the change in the statute. (Adverb)
Is it spelled Yeah or Yea?
In modern English, yea is an affirmative reply or a yes vote. Yeah is a casual pronunciation of yes. Yay is an interjection expressing triumph, joy, or enthusiasm.
Is ‘Yeah’ a proper word?
If you’re excited, “yay” is the word to correctly use according to what we consider “proper” English . “Yea” gives you a vote and “yeah” is just agreeing – only “Yay!” can really convey true enthusiasm. My challenge to you: Pay attention to just how often these words are mixed up, flipped around and blatantly misused.