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Does a ground plane antenna need to be grounded?
The NEC (National Electrical Code) requires any metal antenna mast to be grounded to its own ground rod. The antenna ground plane or mount is connected to a ground rod only for electrical/lightning protection and not for receiving or transmitting requirements.
How does a no ground plane antenna work?
A no ground plane CB Antenna is a CB antenna that doesn’t require a ground plane (large metal surface under it) to operate. A No Ground Plane antenna installed on a vehicle or boat constructed of metal will not operate correctly. A no ground plane antenna is designed to use the ground or water to transmit horizontally.
How much gain does a ground plane antenna have?
The gain of actual quarter wave antennas with typical ground planes is around 2–3 dBi.
How long should ground plane radials be?
Elevated radials should be electrically 0.25l long. Elevated radials should be at least 0.05l above ground and, for safety reasons, not less than 2m high. Two or four elevated radials can perform as well as an extensive ground radial system, although a greater number is likely to work better.
How big should my ground plane be?
A ground plane should be as big as it needs to be. That is, it should be present at or near* every connector, every IC, every supply decoupling capacitor, and every signal track.
Will aluminum work as a ground plane?
You can use foil or anything conductive. If you were referring to aluminum cooking foil, that is very wide and would make a better ground plane than a wire of the same length.
Is a half wave antenna better than a quarter wave?
A half wave antenna does have higher gain and a small beam width than a quarter wave antenna. It is however twice as long if mounted horizontally or high if erected vertically. Usually a half wave antenna is center fed.
What is the gain of a 1/4 wave ground plane antenna?
Gain over 1/4 wave is 2.85db assuming NO matching system losses. The same infinite-ground plane antenna, with a matching coil Q of 100, the 5/8th wave has 2.6dB gain over the reference 1/4 wave. This is over an infinite size perfect ground extending to infinity.
Can ground radials be too long?
Ground plane radials only need to be at least an electrical 1/4 wave at the lowest frequency. 6.5 inch radials would work fine from 440-470 MHz as long as the antenna is designed to cover that range. Using dissimilar metals like that could cause intermod problems.
Do ground radials need to be straight?
You don’t have to run the radials in straight lines. In fact, you don’t even have to run them underground. But you do need to install as many radials as possible for each band on which the antenna operates. In fact, a vertical dipole can work quite well.
What can I use for a ground plane?
What is the ground plane of an antenna?
To function as an antenna ground plane, the conducting surface must extend for least a quarter wavelength from the base of the antenna. Vertical antenna (monopole) with solid ground plane. In reality it is not necessary to have a full circular conducting plate for a ground plane.
Why does the ground act as a plane to reflect radio waves?
It is found that for a monopole antenna like a quarter wavelength vertical, the ground acts as a plane to reflect the radio waves so that an image of the top half of the antenna is seen in the Earth. It is possible to simulate this function by replacing the real earth with a conducting plane.
What is a monopole antenna?
Vertical antenna (monopole) with solid ground plane. In reality it is not necessary to have a full circular conducting plate for a ground plane. This would be difficult to manage in terms cost and also the wind resistance. In stead it is normally sufficient to have a ground plane consisting of a number of quarter wavelength radials.
How to increase the feed impedance of a coaxial antenna?
This can be an issue if the antenna needs to be fed with standard 50Ω coaxial feeder. To overcome this, the ground plane conductors can be bent downwards from the horizontal raise the feed impedance. A 50Ω match will be achieved when the angle between the ground plane rods and the horizontal is 42 degrees.