Table of Contents
How can I become AO in bank?
The recruitment of agricultural officers is carried out in banks by IBPS through the Specialist Officer (SO) Common Written Examination (CWE) every year. To become eligible for this post, one must have a bachelor degree in agriculture or husbandry or horticulture etc.
Who can give AFO exam?
Aspirants who wish to apply for the test must have passed the class 10 exam from the recognized board and be above 18 years of age. Those above the age of 40 years are not eligible to apply for the exam. The applicable fee for the exam is Rs. 185 for general and OBC category candidates, Rs.
What is AFO in Agriculture?
IBPS Agriculture Field Officer (AFO) Recruitment 2020-2021 Agriculture Field Officer (IBPS AFO) are recruited every year through a Common Written Examination (CWE), commonly known as the IBPS AFO exam.
How do I become a bank agricultural officer?
Academic qualification Have a 4-year graduation degree in Agriculture/Horticulture/Animal Husbandry/Veterinary Science/Dairy Science/Fishery Science/Pisciculture/Agri.
What is an agricultural field officer (AFO)?
Agriculture Field Officer (AFO) plays an important role, especially in rural areas. The Job description of an Agricultural Officer includes the following Duties and Responsibilities:
What is the role of agriculture field officer in banking sector?
The banking sector deals with trading. For economic growth, there is the requirement of large human resource which could handle all the department of the banking sector to let the economy of the country grow. Agriculture Field Officer (AFO) plays an important role, especially in rural areas.
How to become an IBPS agriculture field officer?
IBPS Agriculture Field officer is recruit by the body which handles all the events related to recruitment of the candidates. The selection is carried out through a CWE that is commonly written examination every year.
What is the salary of an agricultural officer in India?
Starting salary: The starting salary of an Agricultural officer (Scale 1) is provided under the Junior Management Grade (Scale 1). The starting basic pay scale for an agricultural officer is Rs.23700 – 980, where Rs.23700 is the basic pay and Rs.980 is the grade pay.