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How do I get the Arn of the IAM role?
You can get the arn of the IAM role from the cli as explained in the above section. If you go to IAM –> Role –> Your role from the web console, you can view the arn as shown below. Note: If you are working with an ec2 instance, you might need the instance profile arn with the IAM policies.
What is an IAM instance profile?
An IAM instance profile that can be attached to instances when launching a cluster. The AWS ARN of the instance profile to register with Databricks. It should look like: arn:aws:iam:: :instance-profile/ . This field is required. Whether the instance profile is a meta instance profile.
What are the key use cases for Arns?
ARNs has the following key use cases. They are used in IAM policies for granting restricted granular access to resources. One example is to allow a specific IAM user to access only specific ec2 instances.
What is the Arn format for resource names?
Most resources have a friendly name (for example, a user named Bob or a user group named Developers ). However, the permissions policy language requires you to specify the resource or resources using the following Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format. partition identifies the partition that the resource is in.
What is the progress of arn-6039?
The progress of ARN-6039 into Phase 1 development marks the milestone of Arrien Pharmaceuticals into a clinical stage organization. ARN-6039 was partnered with Boston Pharmaceuticals in 2017.
Why is the region portion of the Arn blank?
The Region portion of the ARN is blank because IAM resources are global. Many of the following examples include paths in the resource part of the ARN. Paths cannot be created or manipulated in the AWS Management Console.
How do I get the Arn of a role in AWS?
Getting ARN from AWS CLI You can get the ARNs of specific resources from the CLI. For all IAM roles, policies and users, you can get the ARN from the CLI by describing it. Here is an example of getting arn of a role.
What is the difference between IAM role and instance profile?
An IAM role is an AWS identity with permission policies that determine what the identity can and cannot do in AWS. An instance profile is a container for an IAM role that you can use to pass the role information to an EC2 instance when the instance starts.
How do I get the Arn of a lambda function?
Getting ARN as Output in Cloudformation. If you are using Cloudformation, you can get the resource arn in the output with the function Fn::GetAtt. Here is an example syntax of getting getting the arn of a Lambda function.