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How long after talking to a recruiter do you go to basic training?
You report for 10 week basic training, either directly or within a year. If you report to basic training under direct ship, that means you may head out within days. When exactly you head out depends on your job assignment. Your recruiter will provide you details on when and where you will be going for basic training.
When should you start talking to a military recruiter?
Any high-schooler who becomes serious about military service will HAVE to have a private conversation with a military representative at some point, but if your kids are NOT of legal age to enter military service (17 or older) it may be wise to delay such private discussions until age 17 if you have concerns.
Can you choose when you leave for basic training?
Unfortunately you cannot choose to ship on the date you prefer, but rather from a list of available dates the Army has based on the MOS. It is about availability, the whole process will take a lot of time and nobody can tell you when it will be done.
Should I get in shape before talking to a recruiter?
Taking a fitness test for the first time in front of a recruiter is NOT a good idea. Obviously, the minimum standards are there for a reason, but if you want a better chance of not getting injured and of graduating any of the Special Ops jobs, you will want to be well above minimums on the first fitness test.
How long is basic training?
about 10 weeks
How Long Is Army Basic Training? The complete Army basic training cycle is about 10 weeks, divided into three phases: Red, White and Blue, which last about three weeks each.
Do I choose when I go to boot camp?
Generally, if you’re an enlisted member in the Army, your basic training is followed by more advanced training at the same location. So, your job usually determines the location. Your job is determined when you decide to join the Army and take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test or ASVAB.
Can you take leave during basic training?
Supervisors and/or commanding officers must approve all leave. Unless you have a verified family emergency (death or serious injury/illness of an immediate family member), you’re not allowed to take leave during basic training.
When is the best time to ask for separation from the Army?
Boot camp is the best time because the Army has just started training you. After training, you’re a more valuable asset. Common reasons to ask for separation include you think enlisting was a mistake, you’re unwilling or unable to complete your training, you can’t adapt to military life or you’re suffering emotional distress.
How much vacation time do you get after basic training?
Leave and Vacation After Basic Training. Everyone in the military earns 2.5 days of leave (vacation time) for every month of active duty service. That doesn’t mean you get to use your vacation any time you want. Leave approval is subject to the “needs of the service.”.
What happens after you enlist in the military?
When you sign your enlistment paperwork, you set the date you’ll be called for basic training. This gives you time to get your affairs in order and complete your semester’s schoolwork, if necessary. If you’re still in the DEP period, you may be able to back out. Contact the commander of recruiting for your area by mail.