How long does it take to get sent to basic training after enlisting navy?
Terms of Enlistment You report for 10 week basic training, either directly or within a year. If you report to basic training under direct ship, that means you may head out within days. When exactly you head out depends on your job assignment.
Do I have to go to army boot camp if I was in the Navy?
ENLISTED BASIC TRAINING If you’ve served in an Enlisted role in the Navy (NAVET) or any other service branch (OSVET), there’s no need to repeat Recruit Training (Boot Camp).
Can you back out after enlisting?
If you change your mind about joining the military, you can request to be released from the delayed enlistment process—no matter what your recruiter tells you. Most enlistments into the military are through the delayed enlistment process (DEP). The DEP is a legal, binding contract.
What happens if you stay in the Navy past your first enlistment?
Naturally, if they stay in the Navy past their first enlistment (or if they request a specific assignment) they may have to move again. Enlisted Sailors and Officers enjoy generous vacation time in the Navy.
Can I talk to my son in the Navy while stationed?
Except for the 8 weeks spent in Boot Camp (if an Enlisted Sailor), your son or daughter will typically be just a phone call, text, or email away. Most of the time, Sailors have access to many forms of communication. These services are offered anywhere your son or daughter is stationed—even while at sea.
Can my son explore new fields after joining the Navy?
CAN MY SON OR DAUGHTER EXPLORE NEW FIELDS AFTER JOINING THE NAVY? Yes. Once they have served at least one tour in their designated field, they may pursue other opportunities. The Navy recognizes that over time Sailors’ interests may change.
Can you change your career in the Navy after serving one tour?
Yes. Once they have served at least one tour in their designated field, they may pursue other opportunities. The Navy recognizes that over time Sailors’ interests may change. As such, the Navy affords career flexibility with many re-designation options and educational/training programs.