How many numbers can be made using 3 digits?
Thus, there are 9 × 10 × 10 = 900 three-digit numbers in all. Therefore there are 900 three-digit numbers in all.
How many license plates can be made consisting of 3 letters 26 letters in the alphabet followed by 2 digits 0 9 )?
for second and third letters, we again have 26 combinations available and thus 26×26×26=17576 combinations for letters. But digits are from 0 to 9 i.e. 10 combinations for each place and tolal 10×10=100 combinations. Hence for LLLDD , we have 1,757,600 combinations available for license plates.
How many letters are in a license plate number?
A vehicle licence plate number consists of 3 letters followed by 3 digits. How many different licence plates are possible? However, in reality, some three letter words are not allowed, some three digit sets are not allowed, thus reducing the total number of plates by a little
Are 3 letters and 3 numbers in the same sequence?
The question doesn’t clearly mention whether 3 letters and 3 numbers are mandatory and in the same sequence – meaning, first 3 are letters and the next 3 are numbers. How many unique 6 digit license plates exist if each license plate must consist of 3 odd numbers followed by non-repeating 3 letters (select from A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)?
Is the letter F dirty on a license plate?
Or combinations that someone somewhere once thought might possibly, potentially, be considered dirty. These include BFU, WTF, FYU and TRD. Evans has concluded that pretty much any plate including the letter F can somehow be considered obscene. “Any time there is an ‘F’ in the box, we have to look really close,” he said.
How many three letter permutations of the English alphabet are there?
If you require the three letters to appear first on the left of the plate and the three digit numbers to the right, then you have to multiply the number 1000 (all 3 – digit numbers from 000 to 999) by the number 26 3 which is the total number of three letter permutations with repetition from the 26 letters of the English alphabet.