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How smart do you have to be to be a Marine?
The Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is a multiple-choice test taken by all who aspire to become Marines. To pass the test, aspiring Marines must achieve a score of 31 or higher, and those with nontraditional degrees or a GED must score at least a 50.
How much time do you get off in the Marines?
30 days
You receive 30 days of leave time every year. You have to run a leave request form indicating what you’re going to be during your vacation up the chain of command.
What are the benefits of being a veteran in another state?
State Veterans Benefits: Many states offer veterans benefits in addition to those offered by the VA. These benefits may include educational grants and scholarships, special exemptions or discounts on fees and taxes, home loans, veteran’s homes, free hunting and fishing privileges, and more.
How do I complete my military service obligation (MSO)?
Check in with the Marine Corps Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) to complete Your Military Service Obligation (MSO). Marine For Life Network Representatives are here to assist you with your transition needs. The Marine For Life Network uses LinkedIn groups for online networking opportunities.
Can a veteran apply for MGIB early?
Veterans who are otherwise separated from active duty early may be eligible for prorated (reduced) MGIB benefits (i.e., one month of benefits for each full month of active duty). To apply for MGIB benefits, you must submit VA Form 22-1990 as soon as possible, even if you are not ready to begin school.
How do I correct an incorrect military record?
Correcting Inaccurate Military Records: Each branch of the military has its own procedures for correcting service members’ military records. After reviewing your service records, if you believe that there is an error, you should complete and file DD Form 149 (Application for Correction of Military or Naval Record).