Table of Contents
Is fear a good reason to own a gun?
People fear that the new president and Congress will impose restrictions on sales and limit the power of our Second Amendment right to bear arms. People fear for their safety as the economy worsens and crime increases. But fear isn’t a good reason to own a gun.
Why don’t you own a lawnmower?
Own one because your daddy did and his daddy did and there’s a history in it. But don’t own one because you fear your neighbor will come steal your lawnmower. Like it or not, I’m a moderate on guns.
Do background checks protect us from the wrong people buying guns?
Background checks protect us from the wrong folks buying legal guns. I’ve never owned a gun. A few years ago, a reader invited me to a shooting range where I fired my first gun. Then another. And another. The power in that little flick of a trigger still amazes me. Over the years I’ve heard a lot of arguments for owning guns.
Why does Andre Dubus carry a gun?
One of my favorite writers, Andre Dubus, had a lot of good reasons for carrying a gun. His sister was raped when she was young. He carried a gun to protect his family, himself and any stranger who needed help. He pulled his gun one Friday night in a bar after a drunk with a knife threatened trouble.
Should you be pulling your weapon out in a gun shop?
The only reason you should be pulling your weapon out, really anywhere, in particular a gun shop, is if you’re saving someone’s life.”
How do you pick up a gun from the store?
When you get to the shop, put the gun case on the counter with the muzzle end pointing in a safe direction and open it, letting the clerk see the chamber before they pick it up to manually check and clear the firearm. Why all this?
What percentage of Americans own guns?
An estimated 35\% of American households own guns. These households own over 15 million semi-automatic guns and over 320 million guns altogether. To put this into perspective: there are almost as many guns in American households as there are people in American households. I’ve seen a gun only a couple times in my life.
Why are gun shows a thing in America?
Americans appear to have an inexplicable cultural affection for guns. Some Americans, including law-abiding citizens, brag about their collection of guns the way others brag about their collection of cars. For many Americans, guns are just as much for posturing as they are for protection. This is perhaps why gun shows are a thing in America.