Is the end of the world coming on December 21 2020?
The End Of The World Is Coming On December 21, 2020, Says Bible Expert. Culture.
Did the Mayans predict the end of the world in 2020?
An evangelical Christian pastor has claimed the Mayan elders were eight years off when they predicted the end of the world would happen on 21 December 2012 – turns out it will occur on 21 December 2020 instead. Seems a fitting end to the year, doesn’t it?
Will the world end before Christmas this year?
A CHRISTIAN evangelist has predicted the world will come to an end before Christmas this year. Pastor Paul Begley believes doomsday will strike on December 21, 2020, which also happens to be his birthday. But despite hundreds of prophecies over the centuries predicting the end of the world none have ever come true.
Is the apocalypse really coming on December 21 2020?
While many have claimed the Mayans believed that the year 2012 would be when we all meet our demise, which obviously did not happen, Begley says they made a mistake and the apocalypse is actually going to come on December 21, 2020. Ignore the fact that December 21, 2020 also just so happens to be Begley’s birthday. Merely a coincidence, I am sure.
Instead, the Mayans apparently believed our world would be snuffed out eight years later, on December 21, 2020. Coincidentally, the date is also the beginning of the winter solstice, rounding off a triple whammy of supposedly prophetic events.
Will TEOTWAWKI end the world as we know it in 2020?
Predictions of TEOTWAWKI (The end of the world as we know it): 2020: Vincent Carthane predicts that some form of heavenly encounter will occur during the year 2020. He links this date with the Bible and other Christian symbols: America started in the Jamestown VA settlement, named after King James.
Will the end of the world ever come true?
End of the world predictions have been common throughout Christianity and other religions for almost 2000 years. It is probable that none of the following predictions of the date of the end of the world will come true. We will be very surprised if one of them did.