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Is there any news or are there any news?
Originally Answered: Which one is right “Are there any news” or “Is there any news”? “Is there any news?” Despite the -s at the end, “news” is treated as singular, a mass noun rather than a count noun. That is, not “one new” or “two news,” but “some news.”
Is news plural or singular?
We use the uncountable noun news to mean ‘information or reports about recent events’. It takes a singular verb: The news is good about Mary.
What are the news correct the sentence?
“The news is correct.” There is no singular and plural form of NEWS. News is taken to be in singular form thus ‘is’ is used instead of ‘are’.
What is the singular form of news?
News is not singular. News is not plural. News is an uncountable noun. In English you can create a countable noun phrase, using an uncountable noun.
Do we say news is or news are?
The word “news” in English is considered singular and uncountable. So we use the singular forms of verbs, like is and was: the news is on channel 5, the news was surprising. Don’t use are or were. Got it? News is singular, and uncountable – so make sure to say “some news” and never “a news.”
Which is correct on the news or in the news?
Generally, “in the news” means that a topic is currently “in” the news media. It is probably in newspapers, on the radio, on TV, and on Internet news services. But “on the news” seems to me to specifically refer to broadcast news media – radio and TV.
Is the news correct?
The word “news” in English is considered singular and uncountable. So we use the singular forms of verbs, like is and was: the news is on channel 5, the news was surprising. Got it? News is singular, and uncountable – so make sure to say “some news” and never “a news.”
Is it these news or this news?
Senior Member. “News” isn’t countable, so it’s always “this…,” but in this context I agree with SwissPete that “announcements” makes sense.
Is news always plural?
Is or are good news?
The good news “is” …or “are”? “These are good news” or “This is good news” both sounds correct.
Is it correct to say ‘are there any news’?
Which is correct: “are there any news” Both are correct as they are commonly used(at least in post-soviet countries ), but according to the grammar you should write: And to prove my opinion, there is a quote from the dictionary:
What does have you any news for US mean?
“Any news for” seems phrased for an audience of news. “Have you any news for us?” ” Is there any news for me that I should be aware of? Is there any news on that traitorous squadron that was sighted? jimmywolk.stude. jimmywolk.stude…
What is News News?
News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event. “News” is used only in the SINGULAR form (Also the words: classics, economics, mathematics/maths, physics; the physical activities gymnastics and aerobics; the diseases measles and mumps ). So, we say: Is there any news?
Is USA Today a reliable source of news?
USA Today American daily newspaper that provides both news and entertainment coverage. USA Today has a bias rating of “Center” from AllSides. According to the Pew survey, USA Today is more trusted than distrusted among the different ideological groups except for consistently conservatives who view USA Today as more distrusted than trusted.