What are the examples of organisms that have gone extinct through the years? Top 10 Extinct Animals Sabre-toothed Cat. Often called Sabre-toothed Tigers or Sabre-toothed Lions, they existed 55 million to 11,700 years ago. Woolly Mammoth. An enormous mammal, believed to be closely related to the modern-day elephant. Dodo. Great Auk. Stellers Sea Cow. Tasmanian…
What is salary of ASO in MEA in foreign posting?
What is salary of ASO in MEA in foreign posting? Salary Structure of Assistant Section Officer in Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) The pay scale of an Assistant Section Officer in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) ranges from Rs. 44900 to 142400 with grade pay of Rs. 4600 in addition to permissible allowances by…
What can destroy an atat?
What can destroy an atat? In the Rogue Squadron games, AT-ATs are completely immune to all weapons and can only be destroyed with a Snowspeeder’s tow cables, except for one mission where a Snowspeeder carries bombs with its tow cable that are powerful enough to destroy an AT-AT. How did the AT-AT get destroyed? Jedi…
Can ultra instinct Goku beat Rune King Thor?
Can ultra instinct Goku beat Rune King Thor? Rune King Thor wins this. Goku can only use MUI for a few minutes before his body gives out on him. Even if Goku could use it indefinitely, Run King Thor would end the battle by erasing him from existence. Can Goku Mui beat Thor? Yes definitely…
Which prophets are not mentioned in Quran?
Which prophets are not mentioned in Quran? The prophet the comes to mind that is not mentioned in the Qur’an but mentioned in the old testament is Isaiah. One of his many prophecies was about the two lights of the land, Jesus (pbuh) was one that rode the donkey and the other that rode the…
Why do atoms contain the same number of electrons and protons?
Why do atoms contain the same number of electrons and protons? Actually the proton and electron count of an atom are equal only when the atom is neutral in charge. The electrons are found in orbitals surrounding the nucleus. In order for the atom to remain electrically neutral the protons and electrons must balance each…
What happened between Serena and Ash?
What happened between Serena and Ash? However, Serena gave Ash a kiss, which admitted her crush on him and thanked him for his efforts for her, before departing on her new journey to Hoenn. Despite being apart, Serena knows that she will see Ash again and their friendship will remain close till the end. Will…
What is left of warriors dreams?
What is left of warriors dreams? A lightning flash— and into the gloom it goes: a heron’s cry. Summer grasses— all that is left to us now of warriors’ dreams. What is the meaning of the haiku you made? A haiku is an unrhymed Japanese poetic form that consists of 17 syllables arranged in three…
What will happen if the ACA is struck down?
What will happen if the ACA is struck down? If the A.C.A. is struck down, Medicare beneficiaries would have to pay more for preventive care, like a wellness visit or diabetes check, which are now free. They would also have to pay more toward their prescription drugs. What will happen to Medicare if the ACA…
Why were people buried in concrete Chernobyl?
Why were people buried in concrete Chernobyl? When Ignatenko died, his body — along with those of 27 other firefighters who died of radiation sickness in the following weeks — was still radioactive. They had to be buried beneath hefty amounts of zinc and concrete to protect the public. They buried him barefoot.” Why are…