Can you charge ebike battery while riding? Yes, they can but it is very inefficient. Some electric bikes make use of regenerative braking which allows for the battery to recharge when braking. Even though it is possible to recharge an electric bike while using it there are a number of reasons that you might not…
What are the strongest droids in Star Wars?
What are the strongest droids in Star Wars? Top 10 Strongest Droids in Star Wars L3-37. YVH battle droid. Dek-Nil. K-2SO. IG-88. N-K Necrosis. HK-47. M-OC. What kind of Droid is D 0? Droid Zero was a V6-series pilot droid. Are Droids canon? In short, no. That’s it. Since the acquisition, there have been numerous…
What does Brahma Kumaris do?
What does Brahma Kumaris do? The Brahma Kumaris (Sanskrit: ब्रह्माकुमारी, “Daughters of Brahma”) movement was founded by Lekhraj Kripalani. The organisation is known for the prominent role that women play in the movement. It teaches a form of meditation that focuses on identity as souls, as opposed to bodies. What is Brahma Kumaris Quora? Brahma…
Where in the World Does slavery still exist?
Where in the World Does slavery still exist? As of 2018, the countries with the most slaves were: India (8 million), China (3.86 million), Pakistan (3.19 million), North Korea (2.64 million), Nigeria (1.39 million), Indonesia (1.22 million), Democratic Republic of the Congo (1 million), Russia (794,000) and the Philippines (784,000). What forms of slavery still…
Can humans get bovine leukemia?
Can humans get bovine leukemia? Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection is widespread in cattle globally and is present in marketed beef and dairy products. Human infection with BLV has been reported in breast and lung cancer tissues and was significantly associated with breast cancer in 3 case-control studies. Is pasteurized milk unhealthy? Pasteurization Destroys Beneficial…
Which molecule has greater bond dissociation energy O2 or N2?
Which molecule has greater bond dissociation energy O2 or N2? N2 will have greater bond dissociation energy than o2 because n2 has triple bond whereas o2 has double bond. Higher is the bond strength more is the dissociation energy As strong bonds are harder to break. Which has higher bond energy O2 and N2? N2…
Can you hallucinate if you are blind?
Can you hallucinate if you are blind? Visually impaired patients may experience complex visual hallucinations, a condition known as the Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Patients usually possess insight into the unreality of their visual experiences, which are commonly pleasant but may sometimes cause distress. What does Oliver Sacks think about hallucinations? SACKS: Well, with any hallucinations,…
What is Star Trek SJW?
What is Star Trek SJW? Others push back on this and want to “keep that SJW crap” out of Trek. For those wondering, that acronym stands for Social Justice Warrior. It’s usually meant in a derogatory sense to put said SJW down. What is wrong with Detmer Star Trek discovery? Detmer was injured in a…
What size telescope do you need to see Pluto?
What size telescope do you need to see Pluto? For the best chance of seeing it, you need very dark skies, a good telescope, a star chart, and abundant patience. If you’ve done this before, and have all of the above, then it’s possible to spy Pluto with a 5” telescope. Realistically, you’ll need at…
Do a medical student need a laptop?
Do a medical student need a laptop? No, laptop is not required. What kind of laptop does a medical student need? Apple MacBook Air Macbooks Air has always been the preferred laptop for medical students because it offers the very best performance. As a medical student, you need a fast and reliable laptop that you…