Does everyone in military get BAH? Who is Eligible for BAH? Any service member who is assigned to a permanent duty station within the continental United States who can’t get into furnished government housing (AKA base housing). If you’re stationed overseas, you’ll receive OHA based on your dependency status. How long do you have to…
How much does the military give for housing?
How much does the military give for housing? BAH Rates Below Actual Housing Cost That process was finished in 2019, when the nearly one million troops who receive BAH will absorb between $70 to $158 of their housing costs monthly, DoD officials said. Rates will continue to sit at 95\% of actual cost going forward….
How do you play an octave higher?
How do you play an octave higher? To indicate that multiple notes, a phrase or a section of music is to be played one octave higher, the 8va sign is written above the first note. Then, we add “dashes” from the 8va sign until the end of the music that is to be played higher….
Is paint basic or acidic?
Is paint basic or acidic? Paint is Basic and not acidic in nature. It has PH value of 8–9. What is the pH of paint? It is measured on a scale of 1 -14 with 7, being a neutral solution. Most water based paints are slightly alkaline (pH>7) and it is important they remain so…
What does it mean if you have a dream with your friend in it?
What does it mean if you have a dream with your friend in it? It’s all about you. Of course, different dream meanings apply depending on the friend. But in the majority of cases seeing a friend in a dream symbolizes some aspect of their personality that you may have avoided or rejected until now,…
How do I write a meta description for 2021?
How do I write a meta description for 2021? How to Write the Best Meta Descriptions in 2021 Aim for around 155 characters. There is no perfect length for a meta description. Use your focus keyword. Make sure it matches your page’s content. Include a call-to-action. List specifications, where possible. Make it unique. Make it…
How did the Europeans feel about the natives?
How did the Europeans feel about the natives? The Europeans, fascinated by the life they discovered in the Americas, quickly placed the people they called Indians inside their own worldview. Many Europeans were devout Christians, and to them the Indian represented humanity in its infancy; they likened these people to Adam and Eve. How did…
What should I learn first Java or Android development?
What should I learn first Java or Android development? Android development is hot, and many programmers are interested in joining the fun. However, because this technology is based on Java, you should first obtain a solid grasp of the Java language and its foundational APIs to improve your chances of succeeding as an Android app…
What is difference between grep and sed?
What is difference between grep and sed? Grep is a line-based search utility and is used primarily to return lines from a file, or files, that match a particular search term. Sed is similar, as in it is a line-by-line style utility, but is meant more for string replacement within lines of text. What is…
Is SPH a CFD? That is why more and more engineers across various industries are now starting to choose SPH for their simulations. Of course, as every CFD method, SPH has its advantages and disadvantages. What is SPH code? SPH is a method for discretizing and solving Euler’s equations; introduced by two independent groups in…