What does deflection L 240 mean? Deflection is the bending or “sag” caused by loading. Allowable deflection is generally expressed as a fraction of the span, in inches. If that same joist had gypsum ceiling (L/240), the allowable deflection is 0.6″. How do you read deflection limits? Maximum deflection limits are set by building codes….
What are the metal bars in concrete called?
What are the metal bars in concrete called? Rebar (short for reinforcing bar), known when massed as reinforcing steel or reinforcement steel, is a steel bar or mesh of steel wires used as a tension device in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures to strengthen and aid the concrete under tension. What is splicing in…
What causes bad genes?
What causes bad genes? Some mutations happen during cell division, when DNA gets duplicated. Still other mutations are caused when DNA gets damaged by environmental factors, including UV radiation, chemicals, and viruses. Few mutations are bad for you. In fact, some mutations can be beneficial. Are there good and bad genes? Several studies are showing…
What is the purpose of BTU meter?
What is the purpose of BTU meter? BTU meters, also called energy meters, are used to bill users for energy usage and can also be used to measure the performance of energy-saving measures or the loss of efficiency within the system which impacts revenue. What is BTU reading? BTU’s are a unit of measurement equivalent…
What did Azerbaijan invent?
What did Azerbaijan invent? Balaban – a cylindrical-bore, double-reed wind instrument. Nagara (drum) folk drum with double head that is played on one side with the bare hands. Tar – long-necked, waisted instrument. Why do Azeris speak Russian? The reason is Soviet Union which existed 70 years and Russian was its lingua – franca. Today…
How many US soldiers did the Viet Cong kill?
How many US soldiers did the Viet Cong kill? Total number of deaths Low estimate of deaths High estimate of deaths North Vietnam/Viet Cong military and civilian war dead 533,000 1,489,000 South Vietnam/U.S./South Korea war military and civilian war dead 429,000 1,119,000 Democide by North Vietnam/Viet Cong 131,000 302,000 Democide by South Vietnam 57,000 284,000…
What caused the 2020 Beirut explosion?
What caused the 2020 Beirut explosion? The initial explosion, at about 18:07 local time (15:07 UTC), likely triggered by the stored fireworks, sent up a large cloud of smoke and a crackle of bright firework flashes, and heavily damaged the structure of Warehouse 12 itself with a force equivalent to around 1.5-2.5 tons of TNT….
What language is Eloi Eloi?
What language is Eloi Eloi? “Around the ninth hour, Jesus shouted in a loud voice, saying ‘Eli Eli lema sabachthani? ‘ which is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? ‘” (Matthew 27:46). The quote in Mark is almost identical with the Aramaic phrase, written as “Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani?” (15:34). What is…
Why do people use swords instead of axes?
Why do people use swords instead of axes? Trained-from-birth knights and elite professional soldiers use swords. An army made up of warriors with swords would decimate an army of axe-men; the swordsmen would be better trained, better drilled, better equipped, and would likely be volunteers or professionals who had a predilection for that sort of…
How do I use the AXA Drive Safe app?
How do I use the AXA Drive Safe app? You must enter your name, e-mail address and mobile phone number into the app. The e-mail and phone number must match the information that has been given to AXA. Then simply click “Register”, the app opens and you are ready to start driving. What does the…