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What are bus protocols?
Bus Protocols: The bus protocols can be used to transfer the data between to processors or buses. The serial protocols like SPI, I2C, USB can be used to exchange the data in the form of packets from one of the computational elements to other and vice versa.
What is a protocol in VLSI?
Like algorithms to the software engineers, same is protocols to the hardware/VLSI engineer. Standard protocol as the name suggest is set of rules on how communication happens between a master & slave or set of components. These can be majorly be divided in to 2 categories: 1. On-chip communication protocols 2.
Why is a bus protocol important?
Why is a bus protocol important? The bus can sometimes connect multiple devices interacting with each other thereby acting as a common pathway. In this scenario, the bus is shared. In order to coordinate the sharing of the bus, the bus protocol is essential.
What is bus protocol in embedded system?
Inter system protocols are communications between two communicating devices i.e. between a PC and development boards, thus communication is via inter bus system. USB (Universal Serial Bus) Protocols provides a fast master/slave interface using a tiered star topology supporting up to 127 devices with up to 6 tiers.
Why is AMBA protocol used?
AMBA is an open standard specification that ensures compatibility between IP components from different suppliers. Wide compatibility enables low-friction integration and design reuse, resulting in lower cost of ownership and faster time-to-market.
What is AMBA protocol?
The Advanced Micro controller Bus Architecture (AMBA) bus protocols is a set of interconnect specifications from ARM that standardizes on chip communication mechanisms between various functional blocks (or IP) for building high performance SOC designs.
What are the characteristics of bus?
System bus characteristics are dependent on the needs of the processor, the speed, and the word length of the data and instructions. The size of a bus, also known as its width, determines how much data can be transferred at a time and indicates the number of available wires.
What is meant by bus arbitration?
Bus Arbitration refers to the process by which the current bus master accesses and then leaves the control of the bus and passes it to another bus requesting processor unit. To resolve these conflicts, the Bus Arbitration procedure is implemented to coordinate the activities of all devices requesting memory transfers.
Why are communication protocols important?
Communication protocols are important in telecommunications systems and other systems because they create consistency and universality for the sending and receiving of messages. Communications protocols can cover authentication, error detection and correction, and signaling.
Why do we need communication protocols?
Protocols specify interactions between the communicating entities. Protocols are basically needed because it’s important for the receiver to UNDRSTAND the sender. In computer communications, protocols also make sure the message gets to its destination properly, in entirety, and with out distortion.
What is the use of APB protocol?
APB : The Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) is used for connecting low bandwidth peripherals. It is a simple non-pipelined protocol that can be used to communicate(read or write) from a bridge/master to a number of slaves through the shared bus.