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What are the theories of black holes?
The idea of an object in space so massive and dense that light could not escape it has been around for centuries. Most famously, black holes were predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which showed that when a massive star dies, it leaves behind a small, dense remnant core.
What theory is required to explain what goes on at a black hole singularity?
General relativity predicts that any object collapsing beyond a certain point (for stars this is the Schwarzschild radius) would form a black hole, inside which a singularity (covered by an event horizon) would be formed.
What are some of the interesting theories about black holes?
10 Eerie Theories On What Happens Inside A Black Hole Cloning. The black hole information paradox is an enigma that has eluded physicists for centuries now. Spaghettification. It’s theorized that once you enter the event horizon of a black hole, you would start to experience tidal forces from the massive gravity. Distortion Of Light, Space, And Time. Time Travel. You Live Normally.
Who is best known for their theory of black holes?
Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of black holes in 1916, with his general theory of relativity. The term “black hole” was coined many years later in 1967 by American astronomer John Wheeler.
Are black holes just a theory?
Answer: A black hole is a theoretical entity predicted by the equations of general relativity. A black hole is formed when a star of sufficient mass undergoes gravitational collapse, with most or all of its mass compressed into a sufficiently small area of space, causing infinite spacetime curvature at that point (a “singularity”).
Does black hole really exist in the universe?
Yes. Black holes do exist in the Universe. Recently NASA scientists using their instruments have painted the pictures of these strange and fascinating objects in space. These black holes are formed because a big star collapses into itself creating a very high gravity due to massive mass squeezed into a tiny space.
Theories About Black Holes One of the most recent theories is that a black hole is a “deformation of spacetime” caused by a gravitational force in a region of space generated by a compact mass. Theoretically, a mass is so dense that it creates a gravitational trap that nothing can escape from.
What are some black hole theories?
Do black holes really exist?
exploring: black holes > do they really exist. Black holes have been discovered throughout our galaxy and elsewhere in the universe. They say that truth is stranger than fiction, and it turns out that nature is stranger than science fiction.
What evidence is there for black holes?
There are basically two lines of evidence to support the existence of black holes. The first is observational. For small (stellar mass) black holes, the best evidence is through micro-quasars, also known as x-ray binaries.