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What do I do with mail that has my address but the wrong name?
Originally Answered: What do I do with mail that has my address, but the wrong name? return it to your Mail carrier so they can properly send it on to the intended person, or the carrier will send it back to the sender endorsing it with the reason it could not be delivered.
How do I correct an incorrect address on an envelope?
Left-justify every line of the address. Leave one space between the city and state and two spaces between the state and ZIP Code™. Use black ink on white or light-colored paper. Use a PO Box™ address or street address—but not both.
Do I have to return wrong mail?
If the mail has come to the right address, but it’s addressed to someone who doesn’t live there, write “Not at this address” on the envelope or package before returning it. If you get mail that’s been delivered to the wrong address, all you have to do is give it back to your delivery person or drop it in a mailbox.
Can you sue someone for opening your mail?
You could sue for the value of the item and any damages to your property. It would probably cost more to sue the person than you would get out of it. You can call the local police or the postal inspector. Mail theft…
What to do if you receive a letter with the wrong address?
If you’re receiving someone else’s mail with your correct address, you need to inform the mail carrier and post office. Again, a sticky note placed on the letter with a message like “person no longer lives here” will do the trick.
What does it mean when mail is delivered to the wrong address?
That’s on the postman or woman. It could also be that the post was delivered to the right address but has the wrong name on it. That indicates the intended recipient has moved to another address or never lived there. Luckily, there are several ways to get the mail to the right recipient.
What to do if someone is sending you mail with another address?
If you’re receiving someone else’s mail with your correct address, you need to inform the mail carrier and post office that they no longer live there. Again, a sticky note placed on the letter with a message like “person no longer lives here” will do the trick.
How do you mail a letter if the recipient has moved?
The recipient has moved or the person never lived there. In the first scenario, you have two options. If you know the person and their new address, cross out the address and write “No longer living at this address, please forward to” along with the correct address. Then drop the post in the nearest post box.