What does it mean to have Ketu in 1st house?
Meaning of Ketu being placed in the 1st house Whenever Ketu decides to reside in the 1st house, it always indicates that you are going to be pushed beyond your regular efforts – this push is going to be in all the aspects of your life. Some people may term this to be a hard period of their life too.
What does Sun and Ketu conjunction mean?
Ketu represents meditation, spirituality, nothingness. If this conjunction weak then person lacks confidence because sun is our pride, soul and light of life which give low confidence to our soul.
What does Sun in 1st house mean?
Sun signifies authority, leadership skills, honour and favor from the government. A person who has Sun in the 1st house is likely to have a sense of superiority over others.
Is Ketu good or bad?
In Hindu astrology Ketu represents karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. Ketu is believed to bring prosperity to the devotee’s family, removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons. He grants good health, wealth and cattle to his devotees.
Which house is good for Sun?
Sun in 10th house is perhaps the best placement of Sun of all the houses, even better than the 1st house, as the 10th house is of career and public service. The native, with a well-placed Sun, rises to a high status in life, like CEO or chairman of a company.
What happens when Sun and Ketu are in 1st house?
While Sun stands for the highest level of achievement, Ketu is about realising the demerit of gross materialism and a shift towards the spiritual and ethical. So, when Sun and Ketu come together in the 1st house (also known as the Ascendant, which represents Self), the outcome is bound to be different and distinct.
Is Ketu in 1st house from lagna good or bad in horoscope?
As per vedic astrology, planet Ketu in 1st house from lagna (asendant) in birth or navamsa chart in horoscope is not good position for both man and woman of all ascendant’s. However, aspect of benefic will reduce many bad effects of ketu in lagna or ascendant.
Which zodiac signs are most affected by first house Ketu?
Native with Aries Ascendant, Taurus Ascendant, Cancer Ascendant, Virgo Ascendant, Capricorn Ascendant, Aquarius Ascendant will find more negative effects due to first house Ketu in their life. While Gemini Ascendant will find least negative impact of Ketu.
What is the spiritual meaning of Ketu in astrology?
Ketu Astrological significance. Ketu, the South Node of the Moon means a “sign”, or a “banner” in Sanskrit. If Rahu is the planet of worldly desire, then Ketu is the planet of otherworldly desire, or spirituality. Ketu represents the spiritual process of evolution, or the refinement of materialization to spirit.