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What happens when two black holes circle each other?
A binary black hole (BBH) is a system consisting of two black holes in close orbit around each other. Once merged, the single hole settles down to a stable form, via a stage called ringdown, where any distortion in the shape is dissipated as more gravitational waves.
What is produced when two black holes spiral closer together?
When two black holes merge together, they release an immense amount of energy that is given off as gravitational waves, and these mergers are the strongest source of gravitational waves in the whole universe. However, some astronomers have theorized about the possibility of a light-emitting black hole merger.
Why are there two different LIGO locations?
Such vibrations can drown out the telltale signals of gravitational waves in a sea of noise, just as light pollution drowns out the fragile light of distant stars. In the end, the desert of eastern Washington, and the forests of Louisiana were chosen as the locations of LIGO’s two detectors.
Can LIGO detect earthquakes?
Since LIGO is designed to sense the smallest conceivable motions of mirrors caused by the passage of a fleeting gravitational wave, it is also extremely sensitive to all vibrations near (such as trucks driving on nearby roads) and far (earthquakes on the other side of the world).
Why do black holes orbit each other?
The energy lost to gravitational waves causes the black holes to spiral closer and closer together until they merge, which is the most energetic event in the universe, after the big bang. Gravitational waves carry away energy and momentum from the system and the orbital plane (light blue) tilts and turns accordingly.
Why is LIGO in Louisiana?
Who funds LIGO?
LIGO is funded by NSF and operated by Caltech and MIT, which conceived of LIGO and led the Initial and Advanced LIGO projects.
How are supermassive black holes formed?
One possible mechanism for the formation of supermassive black holes involves a chain reaction of collisions of stars in compact star clusters that results in the buildup of extremely massive stars, which then collapse to form intermediate-mass black holes. The star clusters then sink to the center of the galaxy,…
What happens to matter when it is pulled into a black hole?
Matter is heated to millions of degrees as it is pulled toward the black hole, so it glows in X-rays. The immense gravity of black holes also distorts space itself, so it is possible to see the influence of an invisible gravitational pull on stars and other objects.
What is the relationship between black holes and galaxies?
On a larger scale, most galaxies seem to have supermassive black holes at their centers. The connection between the formation of these supermassive black holes and the formation of galaxies is still not understood. It is possible that a black hole could have played a role in the formation of our Milky Way galaxy.
How do black holes affect the neighborhoods around them?
Recent discoveries offer some tantalizing evidence that black holes have a dramatic influence on the neighborhoods around them – emitting powerful gamma ray bursts, devouring nearby stars, and spurring the growth of new stars in some areas while stalling it in others.