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What is bulk posting refund in SBI?
In a bank, bulk posting implies crediting several accounts simultaneously. Whenever the money needs to be credited to several accounts from a single source, it arises.
What does credited back to your account mean?
If you mean “ credited to your account “ communicated to you by a bank, then, It means money has been added to your account. Similarly, debited to your account means deducted from your account.
What is bulk posting salary in SBI?
Bulk posting in SBI is the process of transferring funds to several accounts simultaneously from a single source. The cashiers make entries and feed the several salaries into the computer and execute commands at once to transfer all the employees’ salaries in the listed accounts in one click.
What is bulk posting?
Bulk posting is a technical term popularly used in the banking system. Bulk posting means crediting funds in multiple accounts continuously at the same time. In this process, the money is credited to multiple accounts from a single source only.
What is the meaning of credited in bank?
to pay money into a bank account: They’ve credited my account with another £100.
What is bulk posting in SBI?
Bulk posting is done when an amount is paid to several recepients in a single transaction. The most common bulk posting transaction is the payment of salaries of employees of any organisation which has an account with SBI.
What is bulk posting and how does it work?
Bulk posting is processing of multiple debit or credit transaction entries from/to one account or multiples accounts.
What is bulk posting in savings account?
Bulk posting in savings account can be on account of posting of such entries as dividend or refunds or interest on Fixed Deposits. Whenever there is bulk posting, it will have appropriate narration, which will explain for what the credit has been done.
What is SBI dividend?
In the case of SBI banks, a dividend issued by the financial institution can also be used to handle a checking account with affordable steadiness. In the Banking system after the introduction of computer systems, entries are posted electronically into respective accounts both debit or credit.