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What is hell described as in the Bible?
The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) uses the word Sheol to describe the realm of the dead. Sometimes described as a pit and imagined to be a literal place under the earth, Sheol is where the dead – all of them, good and bad – go when they die.
What is the metaphorical view of hell?
Metaphorical view: Hell is a place where the unsaved will spend eternity. The extreme pain and environmental conditions described in the Bible are not to be interpreted literally. The biblical descriptions of heat, bondage, darkness, thirst, worms, pain, flogging, fire, etc.
Where does it say Jesus descended into hell?
His descent to the underworld is alluded to in the New Testament in 1 Peter 4:6, which states that the “good tidings were proclaimed to the dead”. The Catholic Catechism interprets Ephesians 4:9, which states that “[Christ] descended into the lower parts of the earth”, as also supporting this interpretation.
Where is hell in the Bible?
HELL IS A PLACE OF FIRE In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: “And shall cast them into a FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . .”
What are the four Hells?
Medieval theologians of Western Europe described the underworld (“hell”, “hades”, “infernum”) as divided into four distinct parts: Hell of the Damned, Purgatory, Limbo of the Fathers or Patriarchs, and Limbo of the Infants.
What is weeping and gnashing of teeth in the Bible?
In the Matthean-biblical context, weeping and gnashing of teeth is an intensifier that intensifies a particular theme, not a word, and appears rather at the end of the phrase or sentence (possibly for heightened emphasis).
Who was hell created for?
Introduction According to Mbugua (2011), Hell is widely conceived in Christianity and Islam as a place created for punishment in which those who sin against God will go. In Christianity, hell is a place or a state in which the unsaved will suffer the consequences of sin for eternity.
What’s the Hebrew word for hell?
hell. In hell. … equivalent of the Hebrew terms Sheʾōl (or Sheol) and Gehinnom, or Gehenna (Hebrew: gê-hinnōm). The term Hell is also used for the Greek Hades and Tartarus, which have markedly different connotations.
Is Hell an eternal separation from God?
Is hell eternal separation from God? Throughout the Bible, it is evident that there are two location options for human souls to go to after death—heaven or hell (Matthew 25:34, 41, 46; Luke 16:22–23). Those who are righteous inherit an eternity in heaven, while those who are unrighteous are sent to an eternity in hell.
What does the Bible say about Hell?
The misery of hell will consist of not only physical torture, but the agony of being cut off from every avenue of happiness. God is the source of all good things ( James 1:17 ). To be cut off from God is to forfeit all exposure to anything good.
What happens to the spirits of those in Hell?
While the spirits of those regenerated by God’s Holy Spirit will abide forever with God in a perfected state ( 1 John 3:2 ), the opposite is true of those in hell. None of the goodness of God will exist in them.
What will happen to man’s goodness in Hell?
Man’s ideas of goodness will be measured against the perfection of God’s holiness and be found severely lacking. Those in hell have forever lost the chance to see God’s face, hear His voice, experience His forgiveness, or enjoy His fellowship. To be forever separated from God is the ultimate punishment.