Table of Contents
What is magnetic abrasive finishing process?
Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) is one of the non-conventional finishing processes, which produces a high level of surface quality and is primarily controlled by magnetic field. The working gap between the workpiece and the magnet is filled with magnetic abrasive particles.
What is the purpose of magnetic materials in MAF?
Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is a relatively new type of finishing in which the magnetic field is used to control the abrasive tools. Applications such as the surface of molds are ones of the parts which require very high surface smoothness. Usually this type of parts has freeform surface.
What is Mraff process?
In MRAFF process, a magnetically stiffened slug of MRP fluid is extruded back and forth through or across the passage formed by workpiece and fixture. Abrasion occurs selectively only where the magnetic field is applied across the workpiece surface, keeping the other areas unaffected.
What is the surface finish of magnetic abrasive finishing maf *?
Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is an advanced finishing process in which the cutting force is controlled by magnetic field. This process is capable of giving nanometer-scale surface finish.
What are abrasive particles?
Abrasive particles are projected with high velocity at the workpiece surface to remove surface films, such as oxides, and to impart to the surface a uniformly mat surface texture. In grit blasting, the particles are irregularly shaped. In shot blasting, the particles are approximately spherical.
Which of the following materials is are used to hold the abrasive in magnetic abrasive finishing?
Ferro magnetic materials
4. Which of the following material/s is/are used to hold the abrasives, in MAF? Explanation: Ferro magnetic materials hold the abrasives in order to remove material through finishing.
What are the advantages of Mraff process?
Magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing (MRAFF) process provides better control over rheological properties of abrasive laden magnetorheological finishing medium.
What is magnetic float polishing?
Magnetic float polishing (MFP) is a technique that was developed as an alternate method for finishing ceramic balls. This method shows much higher material removal rates, anywhere from 50 to 100 times higher, so a batch of balls can be finished in much shorter amount of time.
What is the value of magnetic pressure used in magnetic abrasive machining?
between 0 – 30 kPa
What is the value of magnetic pressure used in Magnetic abrasive machining? Explanation: In Magnetic abrasive finishing, value of magnetic pressure ranges between 0 – 30 kPa.