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What is the average time for beginner CFOP?
With Beginner Method, anything from 25–60 seconds is pretty good, especially if you haven’t been cubing for very long. My first sub 1 minute solve was a week or two after I started learning.
Is CFOP hard to learn?
In conclusion, CFOP can be pretty hard especially for F2l, but you will get better. And I highly recommend learning them. Solving Rubik’s is one of the most unforgettable moment in my life. It was during my college life when I first tried to solve Rubik’s cube.
What order should I learn CFOP in?
You should focus on new things to learn, in order to maximize improvement. I recommend learning OLL and PLL first, followed by F2L, and leaving the cross improvements for later. It will probably take a few days to properly memorize all of the algorithms.
How to solve a 3×3 Rubik’s cube?
White Cross. Hold the white center piece on top,and find an edge in the bottom layer that has white on it.
How to solve the second layer of the Rubik’s cube?
Step 3: The second layer of the Rubik’s Cube Hold the Rubik’s Cube in a way the white face is the top one and the yellow face the bottom one. Search for an edge in the top layer with no white color in any of its sides. Rotate the top layer until that edge and the lateral center color matches, forming a T inverted.
How to do CFOP?
Cross. You should have already learned about the cross in the Beginner Method.