What is the difference between 20bhp 4000 RPM vs 20bhp 8000 RPM?
Now the difference in RPM. 1st engine produces 20 bhp while running at 4000 RPM and 2nd engine produces same power but while running at 8000 RPM. This means that on 2nd engine you have to keep the RPM higher to churn out same power.
What is engine rated rpm?
CARS.COM — RPM stands for revolutions per minute, and it’s used as a measure of how fast any machine is operating at a given time. In cars, rpm measures how many times the engine’s crankshaft makes one full rotation every minute, and along with it, how many times each piston goes up and down in its cylinder.
What does “bhp @ rpm” mean?
“BHP @ RPM” is the most common used expression by all automobile companies. This tells about how powerful the given car/bike is. First of all, BHP in this expression is the “Brake Horse Power”, which is the maximum power, engine can deliver to its crankshaft. Now comes RPM which means “Revolutions per Minute”…
What is the difference between 4000 rpm and 8000 rpm?
If your engine reaches peak bhp at lower rpm, it will respond better in the lower ranges of throttle input. It is very simple that time graph for 4000 rpm is less than 8000 rpm. Time to produce 20 bhp in 4000 rpm is less compared to 8000 rpm.
How much bhp can a 6500 rpm engine deliver?
in brief, this engine can deliver max. of 60 BHP at the engine speed of 6500 rpm. this speed is called rated rpm of an engine, remember this is not the maximum speed of an engine, but still engine is capable of reaching say 300 rpm higher than this.
Is 20bhp at 4000rpm better than 20b HP at 8000rpm?
As long as the application is the same, 20bhp at 4000rpm is much better than 20bhp at 8000rpm – half the combustion cycles means much lower fuel consumption for the same output. It may not necessarily mean lesser vibration since that depends on both design and production quality/tolerances.