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What is the difference between Tamil and tamizh?
The terms Tamil and Tamizh are of same usage except their spellings in English. People who cant pronounce or who have problem in pronouncing the syllable “th” have conveniently started spelling it like Tamil and Tamizh. Otherwise there is no such great difference in their application or usage.
Why is Tamil spelled as tamizh?
Tamizh is correct. Tamil is the English spelling for the word and ‘Tamizh’ is how it is pronounced phonetically in tamil. It is just like how Venice is spelt ‘Venice’ globally but is actually Venezia in Italy and Venedic in neighbouring Germany. ‘Tamil’ is the accepted spelling.
What is meant by Tamil?
Definition of Tamil 1 : a Dravidian language of Tamil Nadu state, India, and of northern and eastern Sri Lanka. 2 : a Tamil-speaking person or a descendant of Tamil-speaking ancestors.
What is the meaning of tamizh?
The etymology to start with- “Tam” means ‘self’ and ‘mizh’ is akin to ‘Mozhi’ or language. One of the distinguishing features of Tamizh is that it has three different forms of sound. In fact, the correct pronunciation of “Tamil” sounds like “Tamizh” for which there is no phonetic equivalent in most other languages.
How do you pronounce Tamizh in Tamil?
I think Tamizh is correct, but most of them pronounce it as Tamil since it’s the name had been given by English speaking people. And not “ தமில் ” or “ தமிள் ” which is roughly translate as “TA-MI-L”. The letter ழ – “zha/zh” is quite unique to south Indian languages especially for Tamizh/ Malayalam / Telugu.
What is the difference between Tamil and tamoule?
Tamil is the name given in English to the language spoken by Tamils – தமிழ். In French, Tamil is tamoule. The Japanese call this language タミル語 (Tamiru-go) Each name is right, in it’s own language. Tamil would be wrong in French, Tamoule would be wrong in English, as would be any of the these variations: thamizh, thamil or tamizh.
What is the meaning of the Tamil word ‘Zha’?
It is something similar to ‘Ja’ (ஜ). “Zha is La (ழ)” is more like a local notation to Tamil Nadu and Kerala and for rest it’s not. If you spell Tamil as Tamizhl, there is a great probability that other state / country people would pronounce it as Tamijhil or close to it.
Why do Tamil people say “Rome” and “Wales” in English?
Tamils say தமிழர் Which sort of sounds like tamiẓhar (to talk about a person), or தமிழ் (Tamil) to talk about the language.English speakers tend to say “Tamil” for both.It’s not unusual to see things simplified as they move into English.We say “Rome” is the capital of Italy, and Wales is the country to the left of England.