What is the minimum time you can serve in the army?
The Short Answer: Two Years With a Catch Two years is the shortest amount of time a new enlistee can sign up for active duty, however, there is a catch. You actually have an eight-year commitment but you can perform this commitment as an active duty member, a Reservist, or Individual Ready Reservist (IRR).
Do Army Reserves get vacation time?
30 days a year paid vacation.
How long do you have to serve in the Canadian Air Force?
Service commitment in the CAF. From National Defence. The time you spend in the Regular Force can range from three to nine years, depending on the job you choose. If you enrol through a paid education program, your length of service will be longer. Please speak with a recruiter for details specific to your situation.
Do you have to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces after graduation?
In exchange for paying for your education, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) requires you to serve for a period of time after graduation. You will receive a salary, medical and dental care and paid vacation during your time in service. Time served is calculated based on two months of service for each month of paid education.
How many years do you have to serve in the military?
If you are commissioned as an officer through the ROTC or Service Academy college programs, you owe the military five years of active duty service with a two year option of Reserve Duty or IRR. For more details about enlistment contracts, see Part 4, What the Recruiter Never Told You.
How long can you be in the military on a contract?
The Long Answer. However, most of these contracts are four to six years of active duty followed by the remaining years in the Reserves or IRR. The Reserves or National Guard duty is a part time soldier but a way to complete your commitment with the military by going to drill one weekend per month, and two weeks per year.