Table of Contents
What is the purpose of a distribution bar?
Distribution Bars are used to hold the slabs on either way and to resist the cracks and shear stress developed at the top.
What is distribution rod?
Function Of Distribution Bars: Distribution bars are provided to resist the shear stress, cracks developed in the longer span. 2. Distribution bars are provided perpendicularly with the top of the main bar. 3. Lesser dimension bars are used.
What is the purpose of bottom Reinf in slab *?
Bottom Reinforcement resists the positive bending moment/sagging at the mid-span of the slab. Top Reinforcement resists the negative bending moment at the supports of the slab. ( 2 ) . It is actually used for the economization of material.
What is the minimum dia of bar?
Main bars in the slabs shall not be less than 8 mm (HYSD) or 10 mm (Plain bars) and the distributors not less than 8 mm and not more than 1/8 of slab thickness. Provide the diameter of the bar, if the diameter of the bar are equal. Provide the diameter of the larger bar, if the diameter are unequal.
What is distribution reinforcement function?
Functions of Distribution Reinforcements are as follows: (b) Provided to resist any shrinkage or temperature cracks that may develop. Although the distribution reinforcements are not designed to take any load but they carry an additional moment in orthogonal direction to the main reinforcements.
Why bars are cranked in slab?
Cranked bars / Bent up bars are provided on top of the reinforcement to resist negative bending moment/Hogging at the supports of the slab. To resist the shear force at the supports. To reduce the risk of a brittle failure of slab-column connection.
What is the purpose of distribution bar in slab?
Distribution bar is designed to distribute the superimposed load equally or counter the Shrinkage stresses, which are developed due to Temperature variation (Winter, Summer). 3. In the Flat-plate slab, the Distribution bars are provided in one direction at the top of the main bar (in a longer span).
What is the difference between main reinforcement bar and distribution bar?
Main reinforcement bar is normally used at the bottom of the slab. Distribution bars are placed on the top of the main bar. 2. Main bar is used in shorter direction but distribution bar is used in longer span. 3. Higher dimension bar is used as main reinforcement bar.
Where is the main reinforcement bar provided in a one way slab?
1. Main reinforcement bar is provided at the bottom of the slab at the shorter direction. 2. Stronger dimension bar is used as main bar. In one way slab, the slab is supported by beams on the two opposite sides where main reinforcement bar is provided.
What is the minimum diameter of reinforcement in a slab?
Main bars in the slab won’t be less than 8 mm if you are using (HYSD) or 10 mm if you are using (Plain bars) and the Distribution bars is also not less than 8 mm diameter, and the bar won’t be more than 1/8 of the thickness of the slab. 1. The primary reinforcement is to be provided at the shorter span of the slab.