What is the salary of BIS scientist B?
Rs 87,525
The gross salary for BIS Scientist B will be be Rs 87,525. As many as 28 BIS Scientist B vacancies will be filled with this recruitment drive. Out of these 28, there are 13 in Civil Engineering, seven Chemistry vacancies, and four in Textile Engineering.
What is the salary of Scientist B?
Grade | Level in Pay Matrix | Initial Pay in Pay Matrix ₹ |
Scientist ‘B’ | Level 10 | 56,100/- |
Scientist ‘C’ | Level 11 | 67,700/- |
Scientist ‘D’ | Level 12 | 78,800/- |
Scientist ‘E’ | Level 13 | 1,23,100/- |
What is the in-hand salary of a scientist-B in BIS?
Hence the in-hand salary is approximately 82k. Current in-hand salary of a newly recruited scientist-B in BIS is approximately approx. 74k monthly, if posted in Class 1 city. The salary structure is explained below-
What are the perks given to a scientist-B in ISRO and bis?
In BIS there is not any perks and even bonuses are paid to Scientist-B. Only tea, newspaper allowances have been paid to them which is ap There is not any post of Scientist-B in ISRO & BARC. In ISRO the initial post in Scientist cadre is Scientist ‘SC’ while in BARC it is OCES/DGF. Scientist-B post withstands only in DRDO and BIS.
What is it like to work as a B scientist?
As a ‘B’ scientist, you will be able to understand the manufacturing process and in process controls of different industrial products (if posted in certification). 3. Not much tension at work (Although depends on your boss & office).
Is a bis scientist a gazetted or non- gazetted officer?
BIS is a statutory body and because of this the Scientist of BIS is non gazetted officer. They get posting in Laboratories, Branch offices, Standardization Department, Certification department and various other departments.