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What is the temperature inside of a black hole?
The black hole evaporates. The most massive black holes in the Universe, the supermassive black holes with millions of times the mass of the Sun will have a temperature of 1.4 x 10-14 Kelvin. That’s low. Almost absolute zero, but not quite.
What happens when a star is pulled into a black hole?
If a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, for example, it will draw matter inward in a process known as accretion. A similar process can occur if a normal star passes close to a black hole. In this case, the black hole can tear the star apart as it pulls it toward itself.
What would happen if the sun suddenly collapsed into a black hole?
If the sun compressed itself into a black hole it would be around 3.5 miles in diameter but would still have the same gravitational pull as the sun has now. If the force is the same then the orbit of the planets will stay the same. In essence, Earth would be orbiting the Black hole like it orbits our sun now.
What happens when stars and black holes meet?
Relativity predicts that matter warps space (and time) and a collision between two compact objects like a black hole and a neutron star rapidly changes the compression and relaxation of the space in the vicinity of the objects. Waves of periodic compression and expansion are emitted.
What happens when a star turns into a black hole?
If the core is larger, it will collapse into a black hole. To turn into a neutron star, a star must start with about 7 to 20 times the mass of the Sun before the supernova. Only stars with more than 20 times the mass of the Sun will become black holes.
What is the temperature of a black hole?
For black holes the mass of Sun, radiation emitted from it is so weak and so cool that temperature is only one-millionth of a degree above absolute zero. some black holes are thought to weigh a billion times as much as the Sun and they would be a billion times colder, far colder than what scientists have achieved on Earth.
What is it like to live in a black hole?
A black hole is no place to stay on holiday. Black holes are freezing cold on the inside, but incredibly hot just outside. The internal temperature of a black hole with the mass of our Sun is around one-millionth of a degree above absolute zero.
What is the temperature of a hole in the Sun?
Temperature is in degrees Kelvin. This means that a hole recently formed by gravitational collapse of a star (which has to have a mass larger than about 2 suns) has a temperature less than 3 x 10^-8 centigrade above absolute zero which is very cold. Mass with a finite temperature radiated energy.