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What means Terima kasih?
In Indonesian “Thank you.” is Terima kasih. The first word of the phrase, terima, means “to accept.” This is followed by kasih, which in Indonesian means “love.” And the entire expression again is terima kasih. Literally, you are saying “it is accepted with love.” 2- Makasih.
What Selamat means?
‘Selamat’ is usually know as good or to wish someone well.
How do you respond to thank you in Indonesian?
Kembali. [slowly] Kembali. Literally, this word means “back” or “return,” but it stands for “thanks right back at you”. This has become a common and polite way to respond to someone thanking you.
Can I say appreciate it instead of I appreciate it?
You can say “I appreciate it” to anyone. It usually indicates a deeper level of gratitude than just saying “thank you.” In fact, the two phrases are often used together when someone has done a big favor for you.
How do you respond when someone says Terima kasih?
B: Iya. Sama-sama. (You’re welcome.)
How do you respond to Terima kasih?
Responding to someone’s thank you by saying your welcome, or in Malay, sama-sama, is a basic form of manners, courtesy, and respect. So, when a person says terima kasih, don’t forget to say “sama-sama” back in return!
How do you greet in Indonesian language?
Indonesian Greetings
- Good Morning: Selamat pagi (sounds like: “suh-lah-mat pah-gee”)
- Good Day: Selamat siang (sounds like: “suh-lah-mat see-ahng”)
- Good Afternoon: Selamat sore (sounds like: “suh-lah-mat sor-ee”)
- Good Evening: Selamat malam (sounds like: “suh-lah-mat mah-lahm”)
What is the meaning of Apa Kabar?
how are you
Apa kabar simply means ‘how are you’ or ‘what’s up’ – the word apa literally means ‘what’ so if an Indonesian says ‘apa kabar’ to you and you’re not sure what they said you can actually reply ‘apa?? ‘
What is the meaning of Sama Sama?
you are welcome
Yes, you are welcome.
How do you say I really appreciate it?
Say Thank You in English — Formal Situations
- I’m so grateful for… / I’m so thankful for… / Many thanks for…
- I truly appreciate… / Thank you ever so much for… / It’s so kind of you to…
- Thank you for going through the trouble to… / Thank you for taking the time to…
How do you say I appreciate it professionally?
These general thank-you phrases can be used for all personal and professional communications:
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you very much.
- I appreciate your consideration/guidance/help/time.
- I sincerely appreciate ….
- My sincere appreciation/gratitude/thanks.
- My thanks and appreciation.
- Please accept my deepest thanks.
How to say thank you for Your Consideration in Indonesian?
Thank you for your consideration. – Terima kasih atas pertimbangan Anda. This is a formal and more serious way of thanking someone. This phrase is especially important when you apply for a job in Indonesia and you want to thank the job offerer for considering you.
How do you greet someone in Bahasa Indonesia?
It is the home of wondrous spices, exotic jungles and a smiling people as warm as their tropical climate. While many Indonesians can communicate in English, you can always impress them by greeting them using Bahasa Indonesia, their native tongue. For greetings, you can always say a simple ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’.
How to learn Bahasa Indonesia?
One of the simplest and quickest ways to pick up on Indonesian language is by talking to native Indonesians. Of course, this means you’ll have to broaden your connections and make new Indonesian friends who can naturally help you improve your Bahasa. Friendliness and etiquette are important virtues of Indonesian social culture.
How to impress Indonesians with Bahasa Indonesia?
While many Indonesians can communicate in English, you can always impress them by greeting them using Bahasa Indonesia, their native tongue. For greetings, you can always say a simple ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’.