Table of Contents
What must a pilot ensure before takeoff?
(b) Before each takeoff the pilot in command shall ensure that each person who may need the assistance of another person to move expeditiously to an exit if an emergency occurs and that person’s attendant, if any, has received a briefing as to the procedures to be followed if an evacuation occurs.
How does a pilot know a runway is closed?
To provide a visual indication to pilots that a runway is temporarily closed, crosses are placed on the runway only at each end of the runway. Pilots should check NOTAMs and the Automated Terminal Information System (ATIS) for local runway and taxiway closure information.
How does a pilot start a plane?
Fuel is sent to the engine and ignited. Each engine usually has two ignitor units, which generate a high voltage ignition spark (much like a spark plug in a piston engine), which ignites the fuel and air mixture. The second engine (and third and fourth engines for some aircraft) are then started in turn.
How do pilots start planes?
Powering up the aircraft ‘ First, aircraft systems are powered up using ground power, or internal battery power. This will start up most of the main aircraft instruments, systems, lights, and communications, but is not used directly to start the engines.
What are the steps to starting a plane?
Starts here1:21The Star Wing Paper Airplane – Fold ‘N Fly – YouTubeYouTube
What should a pilot look for when doing line up and wait?
Pilots should be especially vigilant when conducting line up and wait operations at night or during reduced visibility conditions. They should scan the full length of the runway and look for aircraft on final approach or landing roll out when taxiing onto a runway.
How do pilots know where to taxi to runways?
For example, a pilot parked near the fire station might be given a taxi clearance like “US123 taxi to runway 31 via Foxtrot, Alpha, Lima, Bravo and Zulu.” The pilot would look at the map and see the paths to take. While taxiing there are signs on the ground which assist the pilot in navigating the taxiways.
How do pilots land in the center of the runway?
Pilots land in the center of the runway by adjusting their heading so that the airplane heads towards the center of the runway.
When authorize an aircraft to taxi to an assigned takeoff runway?
When authorizing an aircraft to taxi to an assigned takeoff runway, state the departure runway followed by the specific taxi route. Issue hold short instructions, in accordance with subparagraph a above, when an aircraft will be required to hold short of a runway or other points along the taxi route.