What should an essential employee do if they are exposed to COVID-19?
Critical infrastructure employees who have been exposed but remain symptom-free and must return to in-person work should adhere to the following practices before and during their work shift: • Pre-screen for symptoms • Monitor regularly for symptoms • Wear a cloth face covering • Practice social distancing• Clean and disinfect workspaces Employees with symptoms should be sent home and should not return to the workplace until they have met the criteria to discontinue home isolation.
Why are unions so important in the workplace?
Workers with strong unions have been able to set industry standards for wages and benefits that help all workers, both union and nonunion (Rhinehart and McNicholas 2020). Never in recent history has this dynamic been more clear. Never has it been more important that all workers have a voice in the workplace and access to a union.
Why do we need the right to strike?
To give more of a balance between worker and employer power. Without it, more and more governments will ban industrial action and punish people who dare to strike. Most strikes are over pay and better working conditions.
How much more do unionized workers make?
Unionized workers (workers covered by a union contract) earn on average 11.2\% more in wages than nonunionized peers (workers in the same industry and occupation with similar education and experience). Black and Hispanic workers get a larger boost from unionization.
How do unions help workers during pandemic-specific benefits?
These pandemic-specific benefits build on the many ways unions help workers. Following are just a few of the benefits, according to the latest data: Unionized workers (workers covered by a union contract) earn on average 11.2\% more in wages than nonunionized peers (workers in the same industry and occupation with similar education and experience).