Where is Coulomb law not applicable?
Coulomb’s law is applicable only to stationary electric charges.
What can Coulomb’s law be used for?
Coulomb’s Law (from classical physics) can be used to describe the attraction and repulsion between any charged particles, including atomic particles.
Is Gauss law applicable for conductors?
Electric charges on a conductor migrate to the outside surface no matter where you put them initially. Thus, from Gauss’s law, there is no net charge inside the Gaussian surface. But the Gaussian surface lies just below the actual surface of the conductor; consequently, there is no net charge inside the conductor.
What is the force between two charges in a conductor?
the force between two charges will be zero if a conductor is placed between the two charges because the relative permitivity of conductors is infinite..
Is Coulomb law in electrostatics valid in all situations?
Coulomb’s law is not applicable in all situations.
Can we apply Coulomb’s law to any type of charge distribution?
Hence, in distribution of charges, we can’t apply Coulomb’s law. If a charge is uniformly distributed over a line, a surface or a volume, you can easily calculate the force due to it on a point charge using integration.
Can conductors become polarized?
The conductor has become polarized : positive charge on one side, negative charge on the other. If we bring a negative charge towards the conductor instead, the conductor polarizes in the opposite direction, but the same result occurs: the nearby positive charges drag the conductor towards the negative charge.
Do insulators have charge density?
In an insulator charges cannot move around, and the charge density can have any form. If ρ(r) = 0, the potential is non-uniform, and E = 0 inside the insulator. Insulators are often referred to as ‘dielectric’ materials and we shall study their properties later on.