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Which Dasha is good for Capricorn ascendant?
– Now, Maraka Houses for Capricorn Ascendant can get activated during dasha of Moon or Saturn or Rahu or of any planet which is in 2 nd house/Aqurius or 7 th house/Cancer. Also, the dasha of lord of sign/nakshatra in which Moon or Saturn or Rahu is placed will activate them and maraka dasha.
Which Dasha is good for Makara Rasi?
Capricorn Ascendant (Makara Lagna) born natives will have favorable period during Saturn, Venus and Mercury dasas according to Vedic Astrology. Jupiter, Sun, Mars dasas will generally yield bad results and Moon dasa will be moderate.
Which House is good for Capricorn?
Good planets : Venus: as the lord of 5th and 10th houses Venus becomes raja yoga karaka for Makara Lagna. Mercury: mercury rules 6th and 9th houses. Mercury had its moolatrikona in 9th house.
What does Jupiter in the 12th house mean?
Jupiter in the twelfth house represents travel to Isolated places, foreign lands, spirituality, guidance, debt, bankruptcy, expansion and enmity. The native of Jupiter in the twelfth house loses his identity of the materialistic world and finds peace in the spiritual world.
Is Jupiter in Capricorn bad?
Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn because failing to apply its optimistic, gentle, and caring characteristics in the pessimistic, rigid, and hard-working sign. As Jupiter is fallen in this sign, it is considered an inauspicious planetary combination.
Which planet is good in Capricorn?
Capricorn Key Planet: Saturn.
What if Jupiter is in 12th house in Capricorn sign?
Aquarius Ascendant – If it is Aquarius Ascendant, Jupiter rules 11th & 2nd house and sits in 12th house in Capricorn Sign, where it is debilitated. If Jupiter is nearby its exact degree of debilitation, then it can be a very tricky situation.
What does Saturn in the 11th house in the 12th house mean?
In either sign (Aquarius/Capricorn) as 12th house lord, Saturn in 11th house (for Pisces/Aquarius Ascendants respectively) surely indicates that earning comes after a lot of hard work.
What if Mars is in 11th house in Libra sign?
Sagittarius Ascendant – Now if it is Sagittarius Ascendant, Mars rules 5th & 12th house and sits in 11th house in Libra sign. This is more an Athlete or Sports Person like placement as Mars also rules 5th house of Sports, 12th house of Foreign Lands and Mars itself represents Athlete.
What if Sun is in 12th house in Virgo sign?
Sun – Suppose it is a Libra Ascendant chart and Sun rules the 11th house with Leo sign and sits in 12th house in Virgo sign. This shows a person who gets Authority and Career moving in Foreign Lands. There Career won’t do too well in homeland.