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Which device that does demodulation of signal?
diode detector
A demodulator is a device that performs demodulation, which is the opposite process of modulation. The most basic equipment used for AM demodulation is a diode detector. A diode detector is made up of a diode and a few other parts.
Which device is used to modulate or demodulate a signal?
A modulator is a device or circuit that performs modulation. A demodulator (sometimes detector) is a circuit that performs demodulation, the inverse of modulation. A modem (from modulator–demodulator), used in bidirectional communication, can perform both operations.
Why do we need to demodulate a signal?
Need of demodulation The diaphragm of a telephone receiver or a loud speaker cannot vibrate with high frequency. Moreover, this frequency is beyond the audible range of human ear. So, it is necessary to separate the audio frequencies from radio- frequency carrier waves.
How do you demodulate AM signal in Matlab?
Demodulate AM Signal
- Copy Command.
- fc = 10e3; fs = 80e3; t = (0:1/fs:0.01)’;
- s = sin(2*pi*300*t)+2*sin(2*pi*600*t);
- [num,den] = butter(10,fc*2/fs);
- y = ammod(s,fc,fs);
- z = amdemod(y,fc,fs,0,0,num,den);
- plot(t,s,’c’,t,z,’b–‘) legend(‘Original Signal’,’Demodulated Signal’) xlabel(‘Time (s)’) ylabel(‘Amplitude’)
Why do we need to demodulate the signals?
How do you demodulate FM signal in Matlab?
FM Modulate and Demodulate Sinusoidal Signal
- Copy Command.
- fs = 1000; fc = 200; t = (0:1/fs:0.2)’;
- x = sin(2*pi*30*t)+2*sin(2*pi*60*t);
- fDev = 50;
- y = fmmod(x,fc,fs,fDev);
- z = fmdemod(y,fc,fs,fDev);
- plot(t,x,’c’,t,z,’b–‘); xlabel(‘Time (s)’) ylabel(‘Amplitude’) legend(‘Original Signal’,’Demodulated Signal’)
What is the name of the circuit used to demodulate an SSB signal?
SSB, single sideband is easily demodulated, but requires a little more circuitry than is needed for a basic AM envelope detector. To demodulate SSB transmissions a beat frequency oscillator or carrier insertion oscillator is used along with a mixer or product detector.
What do you need to demodulate an AM signal?
But before we demodulate we need something that is modulated. In the AM modulation page, we saw that four things are needed to generate an AM waveform. First, we need a baseband waveform and a carrier waveform. Then we need a circuit that can add an appropriate DC offset to the baseband signal.
What is the difference between demodulation and modulation?
The audio signals used for modulation is called ‘modulating signal’ or ‘message signal’ or ‘base band signal’. The demodulation of an AM wave can be done with only few components and unlike most of the demodulation technique there is no synchronization required between the modulator and demodulator circuits.
What is the demodulator circuit used in this project?
The circuit used in this project along with the image of the circuit wired in the breadboard is shown below: The Demodulator circuit is connected to an amplifier through a 47K ohm resistance so as to avoid the loading effect of the weak signal by the input of the amplifier circuit.
What is the output waveform of an FM-demodulator?
This output waveform would be taken from the output of the VCO. In an FM-demodulator application, however, we don’t need an output sinusoid that has the same frequency as the input signal. Instead, we use the output from the loop filter as a demodulated signal.