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Which language has the hardest syntax?
1. Brainfuck. As the name suggests, this language is really complicated and coding in this language is really difficult. It was created in 1993 by Urban Muller and the main purpose to create this language was to write minimal lines of code.
Why is C++ syntax so bad?
C++ is a bad language because it’s built on a flawed philosophy : which is that you should add power to a language by kludging it in “horizontally” in the form of libraries rather than “vertically” by building new Domain Specific Languages to express it.
What is easier C++ or C?
Answers: Actually, both are difficult and both are easy. C++ is built upon C and thus supports all features of C and also, it has object-oriented programming features. When it comes to learning, size-wise C is smaller with few concepts to learn while C++ is vast. Hence we can say C is easier than C++.
What is the worst programming language in the world?
The three absolute worst, major programming languages are PHP, JavaScript, and C++ (in that order). Are they the worst by virtue of being immensely popular? Of course not. Languages such as Java, C#, Python, Ruby, and C are just fine. Look, no programming language is perfect; they all have issues. But these three are bad on an epic scale.
Is a programming language good or bad for programmers?
A programming language is good or bad, depending on whether it makes the programmer’s job less difficult and more pleasant. This is why languages like Python and Ruby are so popular. And why Go is rocketing to prominence. In this article about language adoption, the author writes:
Should programming be made as pleasant as possible?
After all, programming is a human activity. Shouldn’t it be made as pleasant as possible? “Expressive” languages are typically more complicated because language designers choose to pile on feature after feature, rather than choosing a minimal set of powerful and orthogonal features.
Why is syntax simplicity important in programming languages?
In my opinion, language (syntax) simplicity is vitally important. It lessens the cognitive burden and makes programming less stressful and more enjoyable. After all, programming is a human activity. Shouldn’t it be made as pleasant as possible?