Which state has the toughest judiciary exam?
For instance, the Delhi Judicial Services (DJS) examination is said to be the toughest because only 30\% of the seats are filled although the number of candidates are almost 84 times the number of vacancies advertised.
Can I prepare for judiciary without coaching?
Can you pass the judiciary exams without joining a coaching centre? Definitely, you can. There are numerous examples where aspirants have overcome multiple odds in their lives and cracked the judiciary exam without joining any single class ever! A rare mix of talent, determination and hard work.
Which is easy UPSC or judiciary?
Generally Speaking, UPSC requires slightly more effort than judicial services, For one, a candidate needs a more articulative brain, For later more of a memory, power is required. Both of them an equally tough task. UPSC Exam – The effort is more coordinated in UPSC due to its more generic nature of the syllabus.
Should the judiciary be in league with the other branches?
Sixth, the judiciary must not be in league with either of the other branches and must not supplant the role of those branches or be supplanted by them; Seventh, while there must be separation, there must also be collaboration.
What should a judge do to ensure integrity and independence?
Canon 1: A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary. An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society. A judge should maintain and enforce high standards of conduct and should personally observe those standards, so that the integrity and independence of the judiciary may be preserved.
Should judjudges be united with other branches?
Judges should not by party or for any other reason be united to the other branches. Nor should they be involved on their own initiative and authority in the redirection of the wealth of the society. Hamilton’s comments speak to us even now.