Who can be appointed as booth level officer?
Appointment of Booth Level Agent: Every recognized political party through its President or Secretary or any other office bearer shall authorize one or more district representatives to appoint Booth Level Agents.
Who is appointed as BLO?
Under Section 13B (2) of Representation of People Act, 1950, BLOs are appointed from amongst the officers of the Govt. /Semi Govt. /Local Bodies. Generally, one BLO is responsible for one part of the electoral roll. The DEOs in consultation with the EROs of the Assembly Constituency (AC) appoint the BLOs.
What is booth level?
Booth Level Officer (BLO) is a local Government/Semi-Government official, familiar with the local electors and generally a voter in the same polling area who assists in updating the roll using his local knowledge.
What BLO means?
Know Your Booth Level Officer (BLO) ————————- Check Your Name in the Voters’ List (Electoral Roll)
Under which of the following provision is the booth level officer BLO appointed?
How appointed? Under section 13B(2) – R.P. Act,1950 of DEO concerned. If it is one BLO one part and local BLO Preferably state Govt./local authority employee.
What is the full form of BLO in election?
BLO means Booth Level Officer. ERO means Electoral Registration officer. AERO means Assistant Electoral Registration officer DEO means District Election officer.
What is VRC?
Vertical redundancy check (VRC) is an error-checking method used on an eight-bit ASCII character. In VRC, a parity bit is attached to each byte of data, which is then tested to determine whether the transmission is correct.
What is full form EVM?
Electronic Voting Machine – Election Commission of India.
Who is the founder of EVM?
The EVM was designed by two professors of IIT Bombay, A.G. Rao and Ravi Poovaiah. An EVM consists of two units, a control unit, and the balloting unit.