Why Atlas Shrugged is important?
Atlas Shrugged has shaped the worldview of many devotees of liberty, and it surged in popularity in the wake of the recent financial crisis since it became clear that the government’s response to crisis and recession would not be to learn from its mistakes and recede but to expand its reach.
Which Ayn Rand book should I read first?
In general, start with the fiction; read the non-fiction later. Among the fiction, I’d recommend starting with either The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged. Fountainhead is a more personal story, focusing on a handful of characters and largely on one central hero throughout his life.
Is Atlas Shrugged easy to read?
This book allows you to understand Ayn Rand’s philosophy on Objectivism easily and the mysterious story about John Galt There’s no doubt that Atlas Shrugged is one of the greatest books of all time, which is why Atlas Shrugged For Dummies is a must-read. This book is written in simple, easy-to-understand English.
Should Fountainhead be read before Atlas Shrugged?
The Fountainhead was made into a film in 1949, and is an excellent substitute for reading the book, if you can find a copy. I think the three Atlas Shrugged movies missed some of the essential points of the book, so I would recommend the book first.
Do I need to read Fountainhead before Atlas Shrugged?
Question: Can I read Atlas Shrugged before Fountainhead? It doesn’t matter. Both are overlong and poorly written novels, meaning that you could read them in any order (or even at the same time) and they wouldn’t get any better.
How difficult is Atlas Shrugged?
By Ayn Rand This is not an easy book. It’s insanely long, dense, complicated, half the time you don’t know what’s going on (it is a mystery, but still), there seem to be hundreds of characters (was Ayn Rand channeling Dickens?), and there’s an entire chapter devoted to philosophy.