Why do English people say aye?
‘ General impressions suggest that ‘aye’ means ‘yes’ in Scotland, a chunk of Northern England, and presumably Northern Ireland. But beyond that, the picture of where the word is spoken, and even where it was spoken in the past, gets fuzzy. Aye (usually spelled ‘ay’) was clearly Shakespeare’s preferred affirmative.
What does Aye mean in England?
affirmative vote
an affirmative vote or voter, especially in British Parliament, corresponding to yea in U.S. Congress. Also ay .
Why do the Scots say aye?
Aye means yes, often replacing the latter in day-to-day life in Scotland.
Is Aye Old English?
Noun. noun derivative of aye entry 1. Adverb (2) Middle English ay, borrowed from Old Norse ei, ey, æ “ever, forever,” going back to Germanic *aiwim or *aiwom (whence also Old English ā “always, ever, eternally,” Old Saxon io, eo “ever, at any time, always,” Old High German io, eo “on every occasion, always,” Gothic ni …
What is mean by aye aye?
Definition of ‘aye aye’ a. an expression of compliance, esp used by seamen. b. British. an expression of amused surprise, esp at encountering something that confirms one’s suspicions, expectations, etc.
Who uses the word aye?
Use of aye is an archaism in most of the English-speaking world but remains in use in Scottish, Northern Irish and Northern English usage. In December 1993, a witness in a Scottish court who had answered “aye” to confirm he was the person summoned was told by a sheriff judge that he must answer either yes or no.
Does Aye mean right?
yes vote
An affirmative vote; one who votes in the affirmative. “To call for the ayes and nays;” “The ayes have it.” The definition of aye means a yes vote. An example of aye is what a congressman would say when agreeing with a bill being voted on in Congress.
Is Aye in the Oxford dictionary?
the ayes have it the affirmative votes are in the majority. Aye is an archaic or dialect word meaning ‘yes’, now used in standard speech only when voting. …