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Why do people call houses gaffs?
Then there’s the British slang meaning of gaff for the place where one lives (“come round my gaff for a coffee”), which is almost certainly derived from the use of gaff in the eighteenth-century to mean a fair, and later a cheap music-hall or theatre (as in the infamous penny gaff) and which probably comes from the …
What is husband in Cockney rhyming slang?
Pot and Pan is Cockney slang for Old man (father or husband).
How do you say goodbye in Cockney?
Laters is Cockney slang for Goodbye.
What does geezer mean in British slang?
Geezer is a mildly negative slang term for a man, especially an older man who’s considered odd in some way. In American slang, geezer almost always refers to an older man and is especially used in the phrase old geezer. In British slang, geezer just refers to any man.
What does let’s make some bees and honey mean?
Bees and Honey is Cockney Rhyming Slang for Money!
What does take a Toby mean?
(Also to toby, and a toby, meaning a tramp. Slang Dictionary gives toby as the highroad.) Read in context, these paragraphs clearly refer to a life of vagrancy.
What is a cherry hog?
Cherry Hogg is Cockney slang for Dog.
What is the meaning of the word Cobblers?
The use of cobblers meaning “nonsense” is so mild that hardly anyone these days is likely to be offended by it. Most people are probably unaware of its rhyming-slang association with “balls”, and therefore take it at its face value as a more colourful synonym for “nonsense”.
What does ‘Cobblers’ mean in Cockney rhymes?
This is a classic of Cockney rhyming slang. It has nothing directly to do with shoemakers but originates from ‘cobblers’ awls’, the pointed hand-tools that cobblers use to pierce holes in leather. The rhyme is with ‘balls’, meaning testicles. The phrase is often reduced to simply ‘cobblers’,…
What is a Cobler’s ball?
Balls. English Cockney Rhyming slang: cobbler’s awls – balls. Awls in this case being tools used by cobblers (shoe-makers). It was a right load of cobblers!
What does cobbler’s awls mean?
English Cockney Rhyming slang: cobbler’s awls – balls. Awls in this case being tools used by cobblers (shoe-makers). It was a right load of cobblers!