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Why do we use Darlington pair?
One transistor circuit configuration that can be used to very good effect in many instances is the Darlington Pair. It is primarily used because it offers a particularly high current gain and this also reflects into a high input impedance for the overall Darlington circuit when compared to a single transistor.
What is the advantage of Darlington pair in regulator?
The main advantage of a Darlington transistor is the high current gain. So, a small amount of base current can trigger the transistor. It offers high input impedance which translates into an equal decrease in output impedance. It is a single package.
In which way Sziklai pair is better than Darlington pair?
The Sziklai pair therefore has a big advantage over the Darlington in terms of both the level and the stability of its VBE. This effect is often exploited in the push-pull output stages of Class AB audio amplifiers where the lower and more stable VBE makes biasing much easier.
How a Darlington pair works?
A Darlington Pair acts as one transistor but with a current gain that equals: Total current gain (hFE total) = current gain of transistor 1 (hFE t1) x current gain of transistor 2 (hFE t2) So for example if you had two transistors with a current gain (hFE) = 100: (hFE total) = 100 x 100 (hFE total) = 10,000 You can see …
What is the advantage of the Darlington arrangement for the CC amplifier in this experiment?
The advantage of using an arrangement such as this, is that the switching transistor is much more sensitive as only a tiny base current is required to switch a much larger load current as the typical gain of a Darlington configuration can be over 1,000 whereas normally a single transistor stage produces a gain of about …
Where is Darlington transistor used?
The applications of Darlington transistor pair involve where a high gain is required at a low frequency like Power regulators, Audio amplifier output stages, Display drivers, Motor controllers, Touch and light sensors and solenoid control.
Why a Darlington pair has a higher power gain than a single transistor?
What is Darlington emitter follower?
A darlington emitter follower is two transistors operating as one. Both collectors are tied together. The emitter of the first is connected to the base of the second. A Darlington Transistor configuration, also known as a “Darlington pair” or “super-alpha.
How does Darlington pair work?